Yellowmaster ★
Line id
Am looking for an alliance.
My line id is Ghai Joker
Hi I am looking for gold 1 alliance. My line id is Ghai Joker.
Hi I am looking for alliance. My line id is Lime name : Ghai Joker
The game play has become really pathetic. Parry issues and lagging. Am contemplating not playing the game anymore.
What's the line name that I have to follow
Any link where I can get the past arena results for top 50 points
Any appox number?
Hi my line id is: ume27122005
Sorry level 48
Hi am looking for a really active alliance as am myself very active. My current alliance is not that active so wanting to switch. Am currently at 50 k plus and level 49
Hi am looking for an active alliance where all members participate. Am a member os one alliance right now but most are not participating in wars and quests
Yes please do si