Zacharias10719 ★
It shouldn't be a crystal with rng, it should just be a selector with the choice of all the middle tier boosts. 15% fury, 20% health or 20% green boost.dans Can we please get red and green boosts in daily super event also? Commentaire de Zacharias10719 1 févr.
6* Og scarlet witch
Doing a free for all on the paths isn't the best strat as there are a couple of paths that require specific type of champs and if you bring the wrong one you'll do no damage. If you do a free for all then herc with the captain america synergy and the broken measures boost will cover most of the map as a catch all
If you're only banning them occasionally (like maybe the oppos is a higher rank than yours) then its not too bad. If you ban them often then it's a waste of a spot in your deck as you're never utilising them
Luke Cage got buffed, he's great now
Not only that, he's also said in the past that they've thought about taking units out of arena to put them into other content. So not only would an arena buff end up with harder to grind units there is a chance that there'd be less of them as well. An arena buff is just not a pro player move. Stop asking for one
Yes. Let's nerf the only game mode that gives players an essentially endless source of in game currency. Great idea. Plenty of people farm arenas for units, just because you don't see it as worthwhile doesn't mean it needs changing. Just ignore the mode and let the rest of us have our units in peace.
It 100% should be a free feature, but it isn't and I'm not gonna gimp myself in arena for the sake of €10 a month to be principled about it
But the store isn't the only reason to buy the sigil. Sigil is a package deal that comes with more units per month than you'd get from buying the equivalent priced unit deal aswell a bunch of free consumables every week. The new store isn't great but it is an improvement overall on the old one... Just about lol. It also…
I could get that deal for the next 4 months just from the shards I already have. After that who knows but not everything is meant to be attainable all the time. But for convenience it should be a weekly shard for shard trade in that you can dip in and out when you need to get to your next crystal.
If number of shards attainable per month is the limiting factor then the issue of not being able to utilise the trade in all the time will be the same whether its weekly or monthly tbf. But one thing I didn't think of is that a weekly shard trade in for shards gives you the option of topping up your existing 7* shard count…
This is fair enough but even then, the old shard trade in was weekly and this new one is monthly so it's essentially the same system just repackaged in a different format.
7* shards aren't that valuable? Yeah, you're right. I've stopped opening 7* crystals completely now and am hoarding until 8* come along. So you want to trade five 6* crystals for one 7*. That isn't reasonable and if that's your floor for what can be constituted a good deal then it doesn't really matter what kabam offer as…
How is one 7* crystal for 150k shards too much? It's 15 6* crystals, or 4175 7* shards essentially. Even if you had every 6* champ at max sig it's still only a 8250 7* shards trade in. Seems pretty reasonable to me.
No it's not, it's saying those that shout loudest are not always the majority. The forums represent a small proportion of the entire player base. They might be the most passionate or hardcore of that playerbase but it's still only a subset of it. It's not saying that your opinions don't matter. It's saying that your…
Happy with stuff and not happy with others. The potions and boosts costing tokens is a big L and seems a completely unnecessary change. Nobody was gaining a massive advantage by being able to buy a few of those a month for gold/other potions. The sig stone trade in is decent. The 7* crystal for 150k 6* shards is good at…dans Are you happy with new “upgraded” Sigil? Already feels outdated. Commentaire de Zacharias10719 28 janv.
Then what's the point in releasing her as a 6* at all? Within a year when 7*r4s become more common 6* champs are all but dead and she's back to where she is now as a 5*, all but irrelevant. Honestly the best thing kabam can do is just overhaul both their kits ala og ironman and re-release them as new champs. Some people…
Some things are better and some are worse. The sigil potions and boosts now costing credits are huge Ls I agree that didn't really need to happen. However the carb and stoney mastery cores no longer costing units is great for people still needing to flesh out their masteries. The sig stone trade in is a decent addition…
People don't want them released as higher rarities because they are cool characters, they want them because they want to cheese content with them again like they did back in the day (I appreciate quaking requires skill but it's still a cheese). We'll have the same requests with herc in a few years. Kabam has determined…
These refresh weekly so you want the ability to buy 10 revives a week? Good luck with that 😂
This is actually a great idea as I have loads of those 15% attack boosts in overflow now that will just expire all the time
There are nearly 300 champs in this game now and people are still crowing about 2 champs from 2015 and 2016. It's time to let them go guys.
Or you could have just grinded arena for enough units before hand like any serious ftp should be doing if they want anything substantial from these type of events. Then it wouldn't cost anything. 🤷
.dans G2 alliance looking for a few members in time for AW season Commentaire de Zacharias10719 juillet 2023