Zim1960 ★
Very happy to have pulled her.
DORKSR Has openings. We run AQ map 3 with 2 battlegroups. Participation is optional. We tend to pull together well for Alliance events. My IGN is the same as my forum name. Hit me up if you’re interested.
DORKSR is a total retirement ally, mostly former DORKS. Participation is voluntary. AQ map3, for those who want a little glory. We pull together for worthwhile ally events. Give us a look.
Thank you.
My first attempt, I used a boatload of revives. Around 100. My second and third attempts two weeks ago, was 5 team revives, and about 20 singles. Biggest difference was having a r2 7* Hulk and r5 ascended Herc on the last 2 attempts. About a year between completion and exploration.
When can we expect AQ rewards from last week?
Also cannot enter AQ. Installed update. Rebooted. On iPad running up to date iOS.
Neither champ gaining power in AQ.
This is what we have now. Originally all 3 BGs showed locked, and this was the only screen I had. When I went to the set up area, the raid map was the only option available. We are a retirement ally which normally does 2 BGs of map 3, just to pick up a little bit of glory. We will skip this week with no remorse. 😬
I have video of all three fights of one zone (12) done blind. I could only see the fight when I threw a special.
Thanks! And it worked. Appreciate it.
Am I able to buy the plat track today, and will it clear all the past track objectives completed in the solo track?
Spidey 2099, IBomb
Zim1960 IGN. What are you doing in AQ?
In arena, I was loading my match, when the game froze (red Wi-Fi symbol), and I had to restart the game. When I recovered the match, the game had me fight it with the same champs two times. Now, when I go to load the next match with a new team, it tells me my roster doesn’t match my heroes, nor does restarting the game.…
Ally name? Or IGN
IPad Air, IOS is up to date. Still have lag, occasional screen “stutter,” and lost connection. It happens in every game mode except AQ.
Here are two photos, one showing the 25 charges expiring, and one showing the drop to 21. Note the time stamp from the video. 2:50. I recorded this today. I had not yet fired my s2.
Do you still need one? ign Zim1960dans 43M - GOLD 3 (RANK 241) - MAP 4 - LOOKING FOR 600K+ PLAYERS Commentaire de Zim1960 janvier 2022
This does need clarification. There are always a lot of alliance changes at the end of the AW season. If the 14 day requirement begins on December 20, then no one will be able to change alliances after this war season, until the gifting event is over and the rewards drop. @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Porthos"…
*300+ AQ score
Need one
I’m in the same ally as King Leo. We have need of a last minute replacement. Our ally is WIRL2. Look us up.
This is my second post. Still having same issue. Game freezes or crashes on average of every 20 minutes. Just now, I finished a lane in Heroic Hulk Quest. Game would not record win. So, I recited out of the quest. Restarted the game. Redid the path. Same result. I intended to post video of the end screen after both fights,…
In-Game Name: Zim1960 Device and Model: iPad Air 2 Device Operating System: iOS 13.7 Cellular or WiFi: WiFi Game Version Installed: 28.2.2 Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Event Quest, Arena, AW, AQ Description of the Issue: Game crashes often when initiating a fight. It has crashed after the fight has…
If you are still looking, I may be interested. Zim1960 IGN
Sent you a friend request. We are looking for one now. Give us a look.
My ign is my forum name. Take a look at our ally. Finished Gold 2. We run map 445. Send friend request or ally request if interested.
Expiring unclaimable rewards.