Zizunola ★
Still looking
Looking for a new home. Prestige 14.1k ish. Working to get it up..experience playing tier1/2.
Looking as rewards are out now.. Please get in touch if you have a spot. I have videos and we can discuss.
Same thing happening to me. IPhone X. Started after the new update. I have had it anytime I have to use an energy refill now. Both small and full refills. I keep having to force close and restart the game. Also the lagging bugs have become extreme. Happening all over. Taking ages to even play the game in arena.
Looking for 1
Still looking?
Available to move now.
Still looking
Still looking people.. Any spots open?
Hey... Can we talk more on Line? Add me on swoosh_69
Any takers?
Sent a message on line. Still looking to recruit?
Still looking...
Sent you a message on telegram. Line ID: swoosh_69 just incase.
I'm available now and looking to move immediately if there's room
Can you compromise on a 10.6k prestige if I'll be the lowest? Already working at getting prestige up.
Still looking
Will you compromise for a 10.6k player working to get prestige up hopefully during this off season? Timezone is Gmt+0
Still looking guys.
I know I can hold my own by way of skill but I'm lacking in prestige so hopefully I can get it up and get in touch on the future then. Lots of content available to get prestige up from 10.5k so let's see.
Still looking
Any chance of doing 7x5?
Line ID: swoosh_69. Let's get in touch there as a step up is what I need exactly. Only fear is my prestige will be low of what's required I'm suredans AW Master alliance recruit aggressive players (very few spots) Commentaire de Zizunola octobre 2020
Will you make an exception of prestige is way off 10.9k? 10.4k ish but potential to hit 10.9k soon. Just sig stones and a few dupes needed. Champs available
Just sent you a message on line.
Have you found an alliance?
Still looking for 10.7k prestige? Or you'd compromise if a player has map 7 and P3 experience. Also if the plan to move to P2 or P1 this season?
I do but I can tell and check the amount of data used by the app and it's suddenly shooting up than normal.
@"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Vydious"
Thanks guys. I joined an alliance so I'm ok for now..