cagedweller ★
What's your line i.d.?
I'm interested. Been in a G1 Ally for a long time now. They're moving down to 1bg wars only so rewards are gonna tank. Lots of vet players quitting.
I obviously have way more 6*s and 5*s. Just sorted by Hero rating.
My in game I.D. is as follows: AdamBreez
Also, my real in game name is: AdamBreez
Same issue. Still not fixed. Samsung Galaxy S21 FE 5G Android Version 12
Btw, my ign is - AdamBreez. Hmu there.
My line i.d. is: AdamBreez. I am very interested.dans Active AQ5x5, AW Longstanding Alliance Looking for New Members Commentaire de cagedweller avril 2019
I deffinetley want something done with bases. Here is my idea, very similar to a previous commenter. There is one boss that your alliance all has to fight together. There is a single path this boss travels on for the duration of a week. I say buff the f*** out of this champ, and this boss moves one tile a day. If you dont…dans BASES, AQ/AW DESERTERS & More - Improving the Alliance Experience. Commentaire de cagedweller août 2017
I just sent you a friend request. I created a brand new alliance and really could use a strong player like you. Looking to build up with strong players.