jaysavage ★★
use champs with taunt? This happens to me often in AQ
Wait depends if you have better options
Yeah Im rank 2ing my 6 star doom hes such a beast
The legendary difficulty has been on and off with requirements for a while. If your not cav I don't even know if you'll be able to do legendary with minimal items.
Oh yeah then go sunspot if you didn't get uncollected yet if not go warlock. Can't go wrong either way though
Yeah go cmm or hyperion
She does not need the dupe. The dupe is mainly for defense I think, she's a beast and even better with trinity.
@VictorVonDoom568 wow thanks that's very detailed.
I think imma go for the diablo path, I do have red guardian to counter slow and for everyone else ill just figure it out. Thanks guys for helping out
@VictorVonDoom568 if you're refering to Mordo, I have doom, sym and stealthy? I don't really know that's why I'm asking for help.
If you're viewing this and have experience please help out
Yeah my first 2 six stars were doom and Claire, so happy I didn't go for the featured. from now on have 100% trust in the basics.
Also any tips for Mordo would help!
@Dontsellthem I didn't mean to be offense or rude but for me the choice is really easy. I'd pick RG, your choice though...
same thread twice? Obviously red guardian
Turn off dex for dormamu and i think youll be fine. Guardian for gwenpool or ghost with hood. For Magik you might just have to push through it I don't know. I haven't done these quests yet so my advice is definitely not better than others.
Yeah I get what your saying
Yeah I saw Lagacys video it was awesome. I'm using Ghost for Icarus but I just wanted to mention Red Guardian.
@Worknprogress like I said I know that but if you don't have champs that can benefit from it Red guardian will work. I mentioned he won't benefit from it but there are scenarios that you'd want to use him.
Also possibly Aegon because he can tenacity the degen but Idk that might not work the best.
Hit Monkeys sp2 is so fun to dex
Unfortunately I don't have gambit, Falcon or Quake. I don't really have any other counters that I know... If get hood I could use ghost.
i don't think it's possible to have a T5CC in overflow and only have 2 6 stars.
@MetalJake he has 2 SKILL 6 stars.
Oh ok @Will3808 I guess that makes sense
@Stark154667 No I was asking if I should go for them. @OneManArmy How will ghost do it with her guaranteed crits?
Damage is not what always makes a champion @winterthur