wardog_69 ★
exactly im dumb for expecting a straight forward week in battlegrounds. there is no reason kabam cant make this node not affected by ability accuracy. i shouldnt have to heavy 7 times to reset the chargesdans flux dispersal bug in battlegrounds charges not resetting Commentaire de wardog_69 janvier 2023
lets make nodes that your masteries wont let work properly lmao lololololololololo nice troll move kabam ruinening this week in battlegrounds over some petty [p'poo] like thisdans flux dispersal bug in battlegrounds charges not resetting Commentaire de wardog_69 janvier 2023
thats ridiculous and it should be made expressly clear by kabam. they need to code that so its not affected by are own ability accuracy reduction. thats so dumbdans flux dispersal bug in battlegrounds charges not resetting Commentaire de wardog_69 janvier 2023
kabam has made war miserable and is making alot of players quit