wingedWarrior2099 ★
I only did two rifts but claimed all of them, just checked and they all have disappeared.
No one is bring blade into bgs these days. What makes you think that because one more champion has the tag, everyone is going to start investing resources into blade again.
That’s what you’re complaining about? If anything it’s actually a buff. They are few people in 2023 that actively use blade in competitive content, everyone will still fight rintrah with normal counters. The tag actually helps out summoners that haven’t completed eop yet. It’s another champion that can be used for the…
I don’t know what your talking about but I did notice a change I hope it’s actually a typo but I’ll just present it here:
Yeah I just Yeah I just using trying to use falcon the entire time and just now I was like screw this I’m using venom, and he cussed no issues
IGN: WingedWarrior Line id wingedwarrior2099 17.5k prestige
Or can someone get me in those line recruitment rooms
I am looking again
<img src="" alt="" Add me on line wingedwarrior2099
Wait there’s alliance ranking with battlegrounds?! Man I really missed out on a lot…
I may be able to hit the 13k prestige requirement once I finish up 8.1 if your still looking
I’m still looking
Thanks saves me some incursions artifacts at least
Yea I got the same problem
Thing. Cleaned up act 5 100% and variant 2 for me.dans That one champ who changed your account progression forever ?? Commentaire de wingedWarrior2099 mai 2021
Could you get banned if you are using Chang chi in abyss?
My question is could you get banned if you decide to do abyss with 4 Chang- chi.
My question is could get temporary banned if you decide to go do abyss with Chang-chi?
1080 units on energy refills alone. Time to grind arena or swipe that card.
Is it too late to join?
How do you delete comments?
I see you went some where nevermind.
Broc’s champs turn out to be good. So I think he’s in good hands.
Champion of course and Mr fantastic synergy allows to heal around when under 20% or below when entering the fight. Outside of rol your get pushed to indestructible in one combo so you should heal for around 10%. You can add full ff synergy gain double rock stacks and squeeze out one more fury or two but it’s not need.
whos dn and maybe warlock since he can bleed and is bleed immune.
personally I want dr strange. he is the sorcerer supreme he should be on par if not better than top 10 mystic.
a apocalypse like synergy where he starts the quest fully ramped would really benefit him.
duped kamala khan.
I went for death for either warlock or champion, got a NATURAL sig 80 psylocke.dans What are your thoughts on the new incursions crystals? Commentaire de wingedWarrior2099 mars 2021