**WE ARE NO LONGER Temporarily Reverting Tier 1 War Ban System**

After further discussion, the game team has made the decision not make adjustements to the ban system.
The previously proposed fix would have resolved the issue for Summoners who are on the cusp of T1/T2 play, and negatively impacted Alliances more securely in T1. Instead, we recommend that cusp Alliances switch to Manual Placement to your members to place the allotted 5 Ban Champions limit there.

Apologies for the back and forth, and for any confusion.

Banning players who are violating TC

I think everyone should be treated equally. My ID was also banned permanently because of account sharing. And now I'm listening that everyone in top alliances are sharing account without any ban. I think kabam should show some transparency about this case.


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    MhykkeMhykke Posts: 431 ★★★
    I think everyone should be treated equally. My ID was also banned permanently because of account sharing. And now I'm listening that everyone in top alliances are sharing account without any ban. I think kabam should show some transparency about this case.

    Did you admit to Kabam what happened prior to being caught?

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    I think everyone should be treated equally. My ID was also banned permanently because of account sharing. And now I'm listening that everyone in top alliances are sharing account without any ban. I think kabam should show some transparency about this case.

    Agreed 100%. Great post
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    Kil63Kil63 Posts: 254 ★★
    I see on the horizion.....Haters. Haters everywhere lol
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    This is true. I do not like cheaters. They do not deserve the rewards they get. Interesting thing is, the rules agree with me
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    HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Posts: 742 ★★★
    I think everyone should be treated equally. My ID was also banned permanently because of account sharing. And now I'm listening that everyone in top alliances are sharing account without any ban. I think kabam should show some transparency about this case.

    More likely than not, you or someone you shared your account used mods to get you permanently banned, not just account sharing did it.
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    zero7 wrote: »
    this is an interesting question. does kabam bend the rules for a player who massively benefits them by promoting the participation of others (i may not have kept playing if not for engaging videos that got me more interested, and i’ve spent a pretty penny by now), when it is openly admitted that TOS were violated?

    i don’t want to see players banned for such a minor thing.

    Simple. Take away rewards. Tier them down. Monitor the alliance. Problem solved
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    ChitlinsChitlins Posts: 164 ★★
    It isn't like this person was sharing monetary resources, or having multiple people grind arena to get an edge up over other players. This person simply had someone cover for them one night in aq. Honestly that's not that big of a deal. It isn't giving him an unfair advantage.
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    The thing is, you don't really know. You also don't know how long this has gone on. And anyone in a top tier alliance or who communicates with them knows how rampant it is. Players not in those alliances would be outraged if they knew the half of it tbqh
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    GbSarkarGbSarkar Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    Chitlins wrote: »
    It isn't like this person was sharing monetary resources, or having multiple people grind arena to get an edge up over other players. This person simply had someone cover for them one night in aq. Honestly that's not that big of a deal. It isn't giving him an unfair advantage.

    Then don't ban others as well maybe?
    And he was definitely getting an edge over others. Alliances do map 6 to remain competitive. Had he not account shared, his alliance wouldn't have been able to do map 6 and get the rewards. So in reality, he got rewards he didn't work for
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    Kil63Kil63 Posts: 254 ★★
    So you haven't seen his livestreams? Yuo clearly see there that he has the skills needed and the time put in the get where he's at? He made a mistake, admitted it, Kabam enacted a punishment, case closed. So for you guys to be pushing for more to happen, that's just you being salty and says a lot about the state of your life. Misery loves company and all that. Were you directly affected by his actions? Highly doubtful. So just let it go and live your life without worrying so much about what the other man is doing and wishing negative upon them.
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    ChitlinsChitlins Posts: 164 ★★
    edited February 2018
    chunkyb wrote: »
    The thing is, you don't really know. You also don't know how long this has gone on. And anyone in a top tier alliance or who communicates with them knows how rampant it is. Players not in those alliances would be outraged if they knew the half of it tbqh

    I don't think it's even just a top alliance thing, but rather a map 6 thing. Anything where it takes 100% of players to 100% content. In aw you still technically 100% with 9 people so one person having something happen in real life isn't a big deal.

    Maybe kabam will adjust aq map 6 next season (maybe 9 lanes instead of 10) and that will cut down on account sharing and show who is account sharing for arena and monetary purposes, and who does it just once in a blue moon for aq and real life emergencies.
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    MBadialiMBadiali Posts: 22
    I have received a ban from MCOC for a terms of service violation. I have not been given an explanation so I could only speculate why. When trying to contact Kabamm I get only cookie cutter responses via email. First off whether any one believes me or not, I DO NOT CHEAT! The only possible reason I could think of is that I play on two devices. My phone cracked early December so I had to purchase a new phone. I chose a cheaper more affordable model and found that MCOC lagged terribly on it. I have been using my old cracked phone to play whenever WIFI is available. I think it may have been confused with account sharing. If not that, then I have no clue as to why else. I bring my story to a public forum because I feel I have done nothing wrong. # KABAAMED
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    ChitlinsChitlins Posts: 164 ★★
    edited February 2018
    Except <redacted>is valuable member of community who contributes greatly with his content, helping lot of players improve their gameplay. Are you?

    Psst calling individual players out will get the thread deleted and we re having a good conversation so could you edit please?
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    One user here is literally saying it's ok and logical to say "I'm good enough, so just give me the rewards when I don't have time to play".

    The thing is, map 6 takes time and coordination from an entire alliance. That's the entire reason that it has a timer and the links are there. If your alliance can't play by the rules and compete it, that's your problem and your don't deserve the rewards just because a fan boy says you're good enough.

    Facts are really amazing when you apply them to things and set aside the fanboying.

    I just explored act 5. I wish I had known I could just tell kabam I'm good enough for it and saved all that time and resources and just received the rewards.
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    Kil63Kil63 Posts: 254 ★★
    Well, they already punished him. Let it go. As for saying what's fair and what isn't, in the words of Scar, "Life isn't fair...." lol
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    GbSarkarGbSarkar Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    Kil63 wrote: »
    So you haven't seen his livestreams? Yuo clearly see there that he has the skills needed and the time put in the get where he's at? He made a mistake, admitted it, Kabam enacted a punishment, case closed. So for you guys to be pushing for more to happen, that's just you being salty and says a lot about the state of your life. Misery loves company and all that. Were you directly affected by his actions? Highly doubtful. So just let it go and live your life without worrying so much about what the other man is doing and wishing negative upon them.

    I can do map 6 as can several others but we choose not to be in a map 6 alliance because of time constraints. Maybe he should do the same? Don't join a map 6 alliance if you can't find the time for map 6. Maybe Seatin should follow his own advice to lagacy and not be so invested in the game that he has to break the same rules repeatedly even after receiving a warning
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    You want the rewards for x content, you put in the time and effort. Everything else is just excuses and people thinking they're entitled to something. Earn what you get. If you can't do the above, you don't deserve the rewards
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    Kil63Kil63 Posts: 254 ★★
    You do realize that he could have just lied and said "Hey Adora, I was half asleep/drunk when I placed my defense and mistook Killmonger for BP." You do realize that he didn't have to make a video and admit that it was him and what happened, right? Give some credit where it's due and let it go. if it will make you guys happy, then by all means, Kabam, take his Map 6 rewards for that session. Which, btw, won't affect any of you in a positive or a negative aspect.
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    I'm sorry you don't understand the game you play. I do hope you enjoy it tho. I also hope you throw money away to youtubers hahaha
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    Also, only one flag in this thread so far and I think it's not bumping. Looks like that's the answer we're getting
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    LoPrestiLoPresti Posts: 1,035 ★★★
    I think everyone should be treated equally. My ID was also banned permanently because of account sharing. And now I'm listening that everyone in top alliances are sharing account without any ban. I think kabam should show some transparency about this case.

    Permaban just for acccount sharing? I find that reaaaaaally hard to believe.
This discussion has been closed.