Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Announcing Event Quest: Sinister Foes of Spider-Man



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    SpiritSpirit Posts: 222
    Kabam DK wrote: »
    Deeparvi wrote: »
    Finally.. Well done on the increased Rewards @Kabam Miike, @Kabam Spice, @Kabam Valkyrie, @Kabam Galactic...

    I think this one has to go to Kabam Doot, Kabam Galactic and Kabam DK :smile:

    ACTUALLY, that's not true. I specifically said I wanted to remove all the rewards from every single difficulty and replace them with a single Arena Boost Crystal.


    Good I have no problem with that crystal as long as it gives a permanent arena boost. But I guess its just gonna be a dream huh?
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    also do we still need to explore heroic 100% prior to taking on master?
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    WreakingHavocWreakingHavoc Posts: 253 ★★
    Only downside I see is getting classic Spidey as a reward two months in a row. Other than that everything is awesome!! Keep it up kabam!!

    Miike just confirmed it's actually Venom, and they'll fix it by release.
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    edited August 2017
    Wow KABAM!!! Between the login calendar and the new rewards for the monthly quest I am speechless! Great work and thanks for this.
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    GamerGamer Posts: 10,389 ★★★★★
    Only downside I see is getting classic Spidey as a reward two months in a row. Other than that everything is awesome!! Keep it up kabam!!

    Miike just confirmed it's actually Venom, and they'll fix it by release.
    he has confirm it. It is lissin in the mode now

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    SeptristicSeptristic Posts: 42
    Wow, that's fantastic...Keep it upto the mark fellas!
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    mutamatt wrote: »
    also do we still need to explore heroic 100% prior to taking on master?

    Yes you do
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    Animejay70Animejay70 Posts: 400 ★★★
    Events with extras followed by lame month with no extras. Thanks for tricking me into buying expiring energy refills for nothing
    Animejay70 wrote: »
    Events with extras followed by lame month with no extras. Thanks for tricking me into buying expiring energy refills for nothing

    I got them for fully exploring 5.2. Did you already do that?

    Yeah i did that rather quickly actually, good luck with it. I may actually need 10 energy refill to get 2 T3c skill so it works out

    Yeah, I have fully explored 5.2.1-3, will work on the next 3. 5* R4 Magik, OG Vision, OG DD will get a workout.
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    Thebgj01Thebgj01 Posts: 269
    One question I haven't seen yet,

    Has the difficulty been raised to go along with the updated rewards?
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    MJAMMJAM Posts: 13
    Nice increase in shards, we need more access to 5*. We still also need more access to T2Alpha. Any chance of another HARD event this month?
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    mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Posts: 1,387 ★★★★
    Kabam DK wrote: »
    Deeparvi wrote: »
    Finally.. Well done on the increased Rewards @Kabam Miike, @Kabam Spice, @Kabam Valkyrie, @Kabam Galactic...

    I think this one has to go to Kabam Doot, Kabam Galactic and Kabam DK :smile:

    ACTUALLY, that's not true. I specifically said I wanted to remove all the rewards from every single difficulty and replace them with a single Arena Boost Crystal.


    A 2* arena boost crystal I hope!
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    I got my first 5 star today and it was colossus ......rip I know but looking at the new event quest there is light at 5he end of the tunnel
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    Nice Kabam, these awards allow beginning, mid, and end gamers to get useful rewards.
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    Sai_7Sai_7 Posts: 246
    edited August 2017

    @Kabam Miike, @Kabam Wolf, @Kabam Spice, @Kabam Iko & @Kabam Valkyrie Awesome job on the rewards!!

    Glad its Venom & not spidey again! :smile:

    Question, I have a 3 * Venom at max sig 99. On 100% completion of Normal mode, will I get a max signature ability crystal?

    Is there going to be another event like the Web-Slinger after the current one expires! Coz that would be the perfect icing on the cake!! :wink:

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    SupaflyaznSupaflyazn Posts: 75
    Gamer wrote: »
    Wow Thah crays. Hops it stil esay for me to beat it b

    Is this how they teach Engrish nowadays? Anyways, these reward increases look great! I'm glad that Kabam listened to us in this part of the game, good job.

    I hope that all of Spidey's new arch enemies in the game are not all Tech Class!

    Surely Doc Oc, as his name suggests as being a Scientist first and foremost, gets the Science Class.
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    Is this how they teach Engrish nowadays? Anyways, these reward increases look great! I'm glad that Kabam listened to us in this part of the game, good job.

    I hope that all of Spidey's new arch enemies in the game are not all Tech Class!

    Surely Doc Oc, as his name suggests as being a Scientist first and foremost, gets the Science Class.[/quote]

    Doc is tech and gobby is science, and its *english
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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,376 ★★★★★
    Awesome sauce. Can't wait.
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    LegendsForgedLegendsForged Posts: 364
    edited August 2017
    Idk if anyone else noticed but how come the event ends on 8/30 and not into september??? Is there a reason for this???
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    Kronos987654321Kronos987654321 Posts: 584 ★★★
    This is the right direction Kabam. Hope to one day see some awakening gems in those rewards too, just some future thoughts.
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    Batty_NumppoBatty_Numppo Posts: 288 ★★★
    Supaflyazn wrote: »
    Gamer wrote: »

    Surely Doc Oc, as his name suggests as being a Scientist first and foremost, gets the Science Class.

    Exactly! This is why I'm so upset that Doctor Strange and Doctor Voodoo aren't science! Not to mention other brilliant non-science scientists like Beast and Iron Man and his HulkBuster counterpart! They should all be science because they're smart!
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    Nice work on boosting the rewards for the monthly quest but what about all the milestones for alliance quests etc will you be improving the amount of shards here too because let's be fair the game is turning to 5* need to up them shards there too
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    Like the weekly amount of shards for map completion the 3 day events etc
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    SupaflyaznSupaflyazn Posts: 75
    Is this how they teach Engrish nowadays? Anyways, these reward increases look great! I'm glad that Kabam listened to us in this part of the game, good job.

    I hope that all of Spidey's new arch enemies in the game are not all Tech Class!

    Surely Doc Oc, as his name suggests as being a Scientist first and foremost, gets the Science Class.

    Doc is tech and gobby is science, and its *english[/quote]

    @LegoCrafter517 I was being sarcastic lol...
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    MRTELMRTEL Posts: 18
    @Kabam Miike How about 2 tier 1 alphas for heroic? A bit strange that normal gets one, heroic gets one and master gets three. What do ya think?
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    Hey Kabam. It would be cool if you extended the spider verse event. Since the August quest is spider man related, you can extend the event and add 2 star spider man stark enhanced and doc ock and green goblin as 2 stars to the crystal. It would be cool if you did this.
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    Scud77Scud77 Posts: 86
    So the question was already asked, but do we expect now that rewards increase an increase in difficulty? Also it would be nice to have some distinction between the titles that are awarded for beginner, normal and heroic difficulties.
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    berlioberlio Posts: 21
    I really suggest to remove to explore 100% heroic in order to do master mode. A game is something in which you have fun. Heroic is so easy and boring. It is boring also for new accounts I think it is easy for 95% of the players. I play for more than 2 years, obviusly it is easy also master mode for me but I opend a new account and after 5 weeks heroic was easy also for that account only thing is that you cant use autoplay ( after 2 months you can use autoplay also with a new account at least the first quests) Please remove boring parts from this game. There are fun things but also many many boring thing ( in my opinion most of the events are boring, arena is the first really boring part of the game)
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    Kabam give many good things now first this quest reward and those 5k shards in log in calender
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    GruftyGrufty Posts: 186
    edited August 2017
    Is this how they teach Engrish nowadays? Anyways, these reward increases look great! I'm glad that Kabam listened to us in this part of the game, good job.

    I hope that all of Spidey's new arch enemies in the game are not all Tech Class!

    Surely Doc Oc, as his name suggests as being a Scientist first and foremost, gets the Science Class.

    Doc is tech and gobby is science, and its *english[/quote]

    Actually the goblin is tech, this has been announced. I'm hoping the doc is science based on his abilities being science related.
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