We are aware of an outage currently affecting the game and are working on a fix! Most players should now be able to log back into the game while we work on returning to 100%
AgentVinod97 ★
@"Kabam Zibiit" what about the initial nullify like on Howard the duck? It doesn't deal nullify damage at the start of the fight, whereas civil warrior, red skull take a huge damage at the start of the fight.
I would say Symbiote Supreme is the best choice for Kamala Khan, I inflicted insane nullify damage about 30k after each SP3. :smile:
Thanks, I already have 3 in md for my Voodoo. Will R4 him.
Still looking...
Hi, please check us out. All the relevant information is given below. We're a 10-14mil ally. ,
Hi, Tom we are flattered that you want to join us at ODB2.0, unfortunately, I believe that your account would be able to sustain the AQ and AW of higher tier. Please feel free to contact us after you've progressed further. PS. That blade is sick 😎
Still looking.
@ldubb78 did you send a dickpic to cubsfreak77? If yes, welcome abode.
I think you mean tired in the title.
I want Batman. Would love to have a 7* Batman. 😅
@Ground_Round1 Thanks for the heads up but we all are currently in different Alliances! I think it will not trigger any penalties upon us now!
Check this thread out! https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/92393/need-ally-for-6-accounts#latest
I had a 4* duped Morningstar, at R2, I especially upgraded her to R4 for masochism node. Duped Morningstar siphons away atleast 40-50% of the opponent's regen, fury and what not. She was my MVP once I got her to 5 souls.