Apocalypse26 ★
Hey dude wanna join my ally I know it’s not the best but I can really use your help we do map 5 Aq and always do war and ya must be active and friendly recruitment has been very hard lately and now it’s even harder cause some loser hellfirestorm is trying to destroy my alliance cause I didn’t join his trash alliance so…
Marvel maiden is looking for active players that do map 5 AQ and always do war once we get better we will go higher in AQ recruiting has been so hard lately and now some shithead hellfire storm is trying to ruin my alliance just cause I didn’t join his so please help marvel maiden with your help we can definitely get to…
Marvel maiden needs your help we do map 5 AQ but once we get better we will go higher we always do war and we are looking to get to the top there too some mental case hellfire storm is trying to destroy my alliance cause I didn’t join his so please help us you must be active and friendly
Marvel maiden needs your help we do map 5 AQ for now and once we get better we will go higher we always do war and with your help we will get really good look me up I’m apocalypse26 my ally is marvel maiden my tag is 11&8 some lowlife named hellfire storm is trying to destroy my alliance cause I didn’t join his so please…
Marvel maiden needs your help we are doing map 5 AQ for now and when we get better we will go higher we always do war and we need your help some idiot named hellfire storm is trying to destroy my alliance cause I didn’t join his so please help me get it back