Ashacekar ★★★★★
It's hibernation season for them, they will be back next banquet.
One more question, do guardians also get to know who did what reaction to comments? Like i always think not to hit disagree on Pikolu.
Practice maps with tough defenders seems helpful. In roster view if i practice since it its small healthpool, it doesn't work out. For example, i want to practice Enchantress or a new counter to Serpie/Onsie/Bullsie, a map can surely help. Currently we mostly beat up winter soldier. I appreciate atleast Trap in his YT…
One thing i want to know, is it the Guardians who add the 5 abuse count as well or mods do? This is also another way of deletion. Curious. I got one because of a quote reply to someone else which maybe contained something, another was comment containing a spoiler kt1 video and third was a joke they didn't like i guess. So…
They won't die so they would become zombies. That's next for them.
You are right, each year in round 2 we get the classes and in final round we get their kit concept. They do describe it in livestream. But anyways, things have become different as of late so who knows if it would happen.
They both were my top picks from round 1 but i incline towards mr. knight. This is first time i see the ones i liked make it to final round. In-game voting is best.
I used him once after getting him from Titan just to see what he does. Seemed cool. That was the last time i used him.
Tahiti, i m playing rdr2
It's too hot to handle currently, waiting for it to reach room temperature and then it will be out
You took break when game felt dead and now you are back in deathless saga, nice. But if i were you, i would wait for something more reasonable to get deathless pieces and ignore them for now.
Yup, i m excited to see new bugs in store for us.
Well, in work terms currently these are not happening QA ❌ UAT ❌
Thanks, i learned "indignation" as a new word.
Wait for the update to see more creations of Kabam Lab.
Not sure what would be fair compensation, cause there are multiple different issues. So i wouldn't suggest anything but would be fine with a titan nexus.
The in game message read that Deathless don't like repeated attempts so revive cap is now 1x, but if they don't like repeated attempt, making damage cap 100% would make their day. I suppose Kabam can do this much for DL Thanos smile, not asking for us.
Hope he gets his channel back but comedy is subjective Tairique, so that's okie, need not question society, they are entitled to their opinion.
I m fine with more Bullsie/Serpie counters, makes bg more balanced. Initially when they came out it seemed bad, now with more versatile counters for them things look even.
Damage is good and works well against Bullseye, more straight forward than teenage mutant turtle in that case, no evades at all. I call her Popeye.
Considering you are 5, they are telling you to eat less sugar and brush your teeth daily else your teeth will decay. Decay champs are brush and Sugar champs are sweet, brush them away.
I think Feb would be more stable since team would be back now. Due to holidays, they didn't fix Dec bugs for Jan Update and in Jan Update, they added even more bugs and anyways they don't have qa or do uat. I suppose it's all due to tweaking textures for pc version.
Too bright screen for Deathless champs, not staring friendly, i like the popeye and gentle one though.
Any of remaining 2024 champs are yet to debut, i think few of them will make it this year. I do want Morgan Le Fay dinosaur though.
Will see challenges and then do if needed. If challenges are designed well, R1s should be good enough. I strictly rankup champs i like which challenges can't dictate. Also it's win win for me if i do challenge with least investment.
How do you think realm milestone were up and running? SuperBroz was working in the dark to serve us light. This winter, he was also helping out Kabam with the funds to lead their livelihoods. Game Team would be infact relaxing and SuperBroz too in some cruise or resort.
Don't get nervous, they won't bite. At the worst you can get the 6* from normal difficulty.
SuperBroz probably does both, spending on a game while staying in a luxury suite. ThugLyf.
Since he has unquestionable style, once Kabam makes his kits, can't we raise any questions?
Additionally whales are endangered species, they increasing in number is good for environment. 2024 was definitely a good increase, verified with a graph. #saveoceans #savewhales