B4nanaJo ★
Totally. His regen alone makes him an oft forgotten but “high returns” champ. He’s also power control which isn’t all that common, and he’s really cool looking :)
I reckon if they’d left the few week long 20% gold boosts in place we’d be fine.
Off the top of my head: Increasing the rewards, adding incursions type buffs, reducing the active days, turning paths into class specific bonus options (like monthly EQ). I feel there are a ton of easy things that could be done to improvise AQ…
Same here. On iOS.
Considering we’re all in the same boat, does that not even the odds? 🤣
Having major scrolling and lag issues in general recently but it’s particularly bad today. Running iPhone 12 Pro and when switching through champion filters I’ve got the blue loading image which I’ve only seen when I was somewhere with super low bandwidth.
Not a big fan, menu is too small, liked the units the way they were. Also, the background for the inner menus could be something less busy. But I welcome the improvements we’ve seen. Would love to see catalyst crystals get their own tab and more division of items.
in game is seems to say it’s started - which is it please @"Kabam Miike" ?
Don’t Kabam have to list drop rates by law, for iOS at least? I whaled out and pulled predominantly 3* champs - is quite like to see what the drop rates really were as they didn’t feel great.
BAnanaJo GGCs SIlver Centurion is growing on me
5+ years player here. Your post hits the mark on every level. Well said mate.
Been playing since July 2016, and this has to be the worst side quest ever. Which also ironically reminds me of how awful act 6 is to this day. Kabam what is going on?
Agreed. Around 3h is good. I’d say you’re both ok.
What happens to those who renewed their sigil a few days ago?
My parrot wants a word.
I’ve done my first pass at act 6 but I’m miles away from a full t5cc. Not pleased with this RNG addition to a new level.
Got mine last month with Corvus but used a slightly more brutal mastery set up. Precision does increase damage as well as chance to crit. https://imgur.com/gallery/sH87ax9
Got it!!
Same. iPhone XS, game and iOS to date.
AI normal in Variant 1 (2.3).
Didn’t he look like this in the cut scene? I’d assume that’s what he’ll look like in game.
Good effort! Looking less and less likely I’ll make the cut 😔
Damn - strong performance dude. I’m starting to get a little worried for my own now... Who did you use?
Nice! Well done. Who did you use?
Got it - thanks pal
I seem to remember there was a place in the forums where people posted their times? Can't seem to find it.
What’s the best rotation for him? Still trying to figure mine out.
Fine but once you’ve popped your stash (that always sounds wrong) you’re back to collecting gold crystals slowly in relation to how often you come across “gold boosts”. I see this as: I’m about to play for an hour, le’me pop this gold boost and earn 20% more for gold. :neutral:
May last year. Did the same with equal regret.
I also agree with OP and Seatin. Buffing classic old champs, creating content more in line with what has been done with Variants, making Alliance content more competitive and rewarding... hear us out Kabam!