BartekTymoczko ★★
- you put it like that...yeah, that makes sense. Especially, that Sentinel is kind of the lowest in "Sentinel Food Chain", cause I believe Omega-Sentinel, Nimrod and then Bastion are DEFINETELY ABOVE (not sure where OS stands, is it before or after Nimrod), but yeah. After some thinking, I do agree with your…
I thought the same thing actually. Sentinel even though being Mutant Hunting Killing Machine... won't be able to counter most of the worst and most annoyoing defenders in Mutant Class actually. Don't get me wrong, he's looking great, seems like Sentinel won't be able to counter some really annoyoing Mutants: -…
Again man, you did made another AMAZING Buff Concept! Love that GR's buff idea! 😁
Spider-Man (Symbiote) - BUFF Concept Critical Hits: - Spider-Man inflicts Instant Rupture dealing 95% of the damage dealt as a burst of physical damage. - These attacks have a 45% chance to inflict a Fatigue debuff on the opponent, reducing their Critical Rating by 35% for 16 seconds. Maxing out at the 2 stacks. Heavy…
Thanks mate 😁 I've tried my best to make him a little bit better 😅
Civil Warrior - BUFF Concept Always Active: - Civil Warrior's combination of Super Soldier Serum and advanced Stark Tech renders him immune to Nullify, Stagger, Power Drain, Power Burn, Shock, Neuroshock, Incinerate, Coldsnap and Frostbite effects. - For each active Armor Up on Civil Warrior, Bleed and Poison effects…
Very interesting...thanks for the clarification 🤝
Iron Fist that we really need and deserve! That guy would be imo even better than Ægon is right now! Ofcourse, that would took some time for him to be really overpowered Champion, but that'w what ramp-up Champions are for, and he would deserve TOP 10 spot if IF would get buffed like in your concept 😁 But there is one…
Okay, so first of all...that sounds soooo good! Like: 20 random debuffs feels like Titania and I love it (not to mention about those 2 dot effects per 5 non-damaging debuffs)!!! As a defender, he definietly would be scarier, cuz once you got clipped, he get that control over the fight, and that's totally in M.O.D.O.K.…
Ooooooohhhh...okay. Alright then, that explains a lot. Sorry for the judgments about being a bot, but on the one hand, there were so many posts within a few days that it became a real mess. I hope everything is fine and I didn't offend you too much with this text about the bot. Once again, sorry.
This one is pretty damn awesome concpet! I'd love to see that buff in action 😁
Honestly, I'm starting to think that this may be the most ordinary bot in the world. He ignores people, he doesn't stop spamming with suggestions, and above all, how on earth is this guy able to post over 100 characters in 1-2 hours without a break? That's kinda suspicious...
Tbh I would prefer to see Mystic Surtur looking like this:
Yes, that's Beta Ray Bill 😉
So there you guys have my newest Champion Concept and this time, that's Beta Ray Bill - Champion that in my mind is supposed to be CGR-like damage dealer, with some utility and pretty tanky defender (not annoying, not Bullseye-like Champ that would kill you by simply striking your block, but just Apocalypse,…
And THAT'S what our punching bag of MCOC really needs! Love that idea mate 😁🔥
A very interesting idea for balance. Not much has been changed as far as I can see, but even if it was, it would definitely improve Annihilus in terms of attack, and in terms of defense as well. That would be interesting, to face-off a stronger version of the annoying defender 😁 Well done dude
I really like that concept but to be honest (don't get mne wrong or something) I think that at the moment Starky is very good Champ and doesn't need any tune up in my opinion, but that buff idea is great! You've made great job man! But maybe...I would change that Degen debuff against Robots, to for example Plasma Passive.…
Concept of buff for ELECTRO created by Bart Tymoczko
Shathra - Mystic ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Morlun - Mystic #TeamShathra
Black Tarantula - Skill ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tombstone - Science #TeamBlackTarantula
Wendigo - Class: Mystic ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Basic Attacks: - Wendigo tears its opponent apart with its dagger-sharp claws, having a 90% chance of inflicting a Bleed debuff that deals 300 direct damage for 4 seconds. Heavy Attack: Wendigo…
Venom (Insomniac) - Class: Cosmic ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Basic Attacks: - His attacks have a 30% chance of inflicting a Bleed debuff on the opponent, dealing 300 direct damage for 4 seconds. Heavy Attack: Venom attacks the opponent with his…
Man-Spider - Class: Science or Mutant ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Basic Attack: - Light hits have a 50% chance to inflict a Weakness debuff on the opponent, reducing the opponent's Attack Rating by 15% for 6 seconds. - Medium hits have a 50%…
Jack O'Lantern - Mystic N'Kantu, the Living Mummy - Mystic Happy Halloween Summoners 🎃
There is a really big chance to get him in 2024
Lady Sif - Mystic Destroyer - Tech/Mystic
Balder the Brave - Cosmic Thor (Stormbreaker) - Cosmic