Bubba1225 ★
We run 444x5 with mods in AQ and we’re g3 in AW we’re very laid back but have fun contact me on line Bubba1225
What are you looking for
Vt99 alliance velvet thunder were running AQ map 444x5 and silver 2 in aw hit me up on line or in game if interested
We run 3 map 4 with mods and score 130 mil we run one bg for war get a hold of us if interested. Alliance is velvet thunder (vt99)
Bubba1225 is my in game and line id come join us
I’m a level 43 would you be interested in me
We run 3 map 4’s x5 with mods we are currently silver 1 in war if your interested contact bubba 1225 in line or in game our alliance is (VT99) velvet thunder
We are looking for one in our map 5 look up arcaina on line to get more details
Bubba1225 is my line id and in game name give me a shout and we can discuss details
I’d love to join your alliance it sounds fun and relaxed!!!
Line Id is bubba1225 we run 4x5 with mods and 1 bg of war
Line I’d bubba1225 we run 4x5 AQ
Line I’d bubba1225