
  • For me: Skill: Daredevil (or DDHK rebuff ready for new series), maybe Moon Knight Science: CA WW2 Tech: Vision (Age of Ultron) or Iron Patriot Mutant: Deadpool
  • He's great against quite a few Mystic champions as well. Plus he's relatively straightforward to play.
  • I'm up to about 1800. Only had a few hundred T4C fragment crystals saved previously but they weren't doing anything. As has been said before, this is a community event and I'm happy to blast through some solo crystals for one simple reason. If we don't support new players (who will benefit the most from this event) the…
  • A decent version of Daredevil? Either a buffed Daredevil (Classic) or a tweaked version of DDHK. Or maybe a new version to coincide with the new series, but I think either the Classic or HK versions need sorting out first. Failing that, a buffed Moon Knight.
  • Same here. Claimed it and it vanished. Restarted the game a few times and no sign of it. Very odd.
  • I'm certainly not complaining - that Chee'ilth is getting awakened in the near future. Don't know enough about Nefaria but will give him a go at some point. Plus I pulled 6* Abs Man for the first time earlier on today too - Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner...
  • Yep, can confirm Kushala 7*R1 unawakened works fine. It wasn't the most fun fight I've ever had in the game with every one of Mole Man's SP1 giving the chance to apply about 2-3% damage back, but Kushala got the job done. Think it was four or five revives in the end for me.
  • There are loads of champions I'd like adding to the game. Scarlet Spider (Kaine), Cloak & Dagger, Speedball (New Warriors), and so on. But before that I'd like to see some more decent buffs first. And a revisit to some buffs like DDHK.
  • Well, for me the fact that KP is one of my favourite champions, the Serpent adjustment being an open goal, the Reunion crystal event having ended and the fact that I've just pulled 7* Storm Pyramid X AGAIN, isn't filling me with enthusiasm. I like what I've read so far about what's coming up over the next four months for…
  • Falcon isn't a bad shout, but he's not on the list.
  • I think the time is exactly right to implement something like this. The 7* base pool is already at 80+ characters and it's getting harder and harder to get dupes. The cost aspect is interesting but I think it's unfair to make it cost more than the current 7* basic. When the first 7* crystals were launched players that were…
  • Sorry DarthVadid but unless you've either got experience in the tech industry or have personal knowledge of how hard games development teams work you are confusing your perception with reality. And the crack about Kabam Miike was a bit nasty - there are times I didn't agree with him but I always accepted that there were…
  • I agree, but would probably say low to mid if the opponent can't gain any buffs whatsoever. Maybe give him the ability to put certain buffs on the opponent that do absolutely nothing for them unless he steals them back with the SP1. Something along these sort of lines (bit rough but I think it gets the idea across): If…
  • I'm late to the party as always @KabamDORK , but if I could give one piece of feedback, for what little it's worth on an internet forum - don't beat yourselves up about it. Any change needs time to settle, to work out what the new cadence is or should be. Miike was firm but for the most part fair with the grief he…
  • I followed Rich the Man's sheet and picked Sunspot to use against Rhino. It's my own fault as I should have checked the nodes myself but unless I'm being a moron (always possible) Sunspot doesn't Inflict any of the required Debuffs to allow me to use special attacks without getting wiped out. Ho hum.
  • First of all, I have to agree that there's some solid stuff in here. I do think they work better as one champion kit, rather than two. The striker button switching is novel and I could see other kits using it, if the game engine can handle it. Keep an eye on the healing because it's a guaranteed no no and if unchecked can…
  • Because if you just assume he's going to win, and other people do as well - then he won't. If you don't vote, then you don't have a right to complain really. There's lots of good champions in here. Doctor Strange is at the top of my list but I'd like to get Black Widow buffed as well. Elektra or Iron Fist would be good too…
  • Probably P2099 for me. He's even better with the Loyal Ministers synergy.
  • Was just thinking of those two, good call B)
  • I could probably write a dissertation on this champion, the number of posts I've made over the years. So I'll try to be brief. He is a solid Miss counter, but I'm not sure how much that matters these days. There are a number of other (better) options. General damage output is average at best and requires lengthy rotations…
  • I've been really lucky. Got 7* CMM and a dupe, plus a 7* Falcon. But lots of 4* for the other pulls.
  • They haven't taken it away though. They said from the start it was for a limited time and then they'd review it. Hopefully it returns soon.
  • He's a bit high risk sometimes but it can pay off. Charging heavy to build furies cautiously at the start, then when you get close to a bar of power you can be a bit more aggressive. By the time you've got the SP1 ready to go you should be at 10+ Furies. Charging heavy into specials is really quick so you can lure the…
  • Respectfully, no. This was clearly stated and intended as a potential replacement for the existing timer events in the game for all players. Not just those who are free to play, spend a bit or spend a lot. Everyone. This change benefits all players and to try and cut some players out of it is wrong. And the leeches comment…
  • Rude. And clearly wrong because the last time I checked I wasn't a rabbit. Unless content creators need to give a disclaimer that watching their vids may turn you into a small furry animal? Please advise...
  • By the same token no one asked you to post in this thread either... :p Joking aside, the truth is that the Super Daily Event was launched as a potential replacement for a number of timed events for all players. Hiding it behind a paywall could be done but it would be seen as a unwelcome move by a large part of the…
  • It was. Funnily enough, since it ended this evening (UK) I haven't been bothered to fire up the game. I know I need to grind Arena a bit to stock up on some units... but having the Super Event was definitely something which encouraged me to play more. For me it's been the most pro-player change in, well, as long as I can…
  • I did the right path with Herc, Odin and Shuri (as the 7*). To be fair, I mainly Herc'd it. Onslaught was a bit of a pain as I'm still getting the hang of dexing his SP1. I needed a couple of revives on Gwenpool before I realised that a better tactic for me was not to push her to an SP1 before the reverse timer had…
  • Haven't got time to type out the offers, and it's probably on a thread somewhere, but this sort of thing:
    in TB to Paragon Kommentar von Chobbly 19. Juli
  • 1000 6* shards for 450 trophy tokens. 7* shards are ridiculously expensive at 150 for 1850 trophy tokens.
    in TB to Paragon Kommentar von Chobbly 19. Juli