Chovner ★★★★★
God... you're just the most unpleasant person on the boards huh?
I'm glad I can't vote again today. :neutral:
iPhone 11 and no way to vote on instagram that I can see….
Animations are sick, I'm assuming this means his kit and performance will be mid to subpar at best.... :neutral: I have lowwwww expectations for good reasons *cough Silver Sable, Spider Punk cough*
This is so stupid that there's no simple way to know if you're on track based on the event... 104 crystals over months with crystals spread out over the whole game is unnecessarily involved/convoluted
G R O O T :neutral:
The fact that Kabam Crashed merged all the complaining into 1 thread is a good sign that they're actively monitoring the general consensus on this meta. Nothing will change this season I'm sure, but hopefully we never see anything like this again. The idea of having this in the friendly matches is great though!
Did you see what they did to Spider Punk and decide that was the last straw??!?!?! :neutral: Jokes aside, sorry to see you go, you were the best community manager we've had to date, you'll be missed and good luck in your next position.
First match Chavez against R3 Bishop. He starts off with a bleed so I melt, I throw an SP1 to change it toooooo another bleed so I continue to melt and attack, I throw an SP1 which makes him unblockable and then he throws an SP1 into my block and I die... WONDERFUL META!!!! :neutral: this is hot garbage
OOOOOOODAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs to Youtube to re-subscribe* @DorkLessons it's been toooooo long!!!
The Super Event is temporary so I doubt there will be any changes to anything for now. If it becomes permanent I'm sure they'll update these other affected areas within a 9-12 month period :neutral: (I'm being sarcastic on that, they're so slow lol)
Close to 11 months with no update, any thoughts we'll get some news considering it'll soon be a year since they've been shelfed?
I like using the Beast pondering emote during the champ selection screens, then Cap Salute at the end for Good Game win or lose
Hope he gets the help/rest he needs and hope his family and friends are around to help him out.
Seems like a silent nerf considering how OP Galan is, and they likely missed their opportune moment to publically "balance" him.
Yeah the game economy team really messed up with this crystal letting it sit mostly useless for so long. Finally get around to optimizing it and realizing that so many people have tens of millions of shards, so make a new great crystal would imbalance the game right away...
@"Kabam Jax" Any update on why there's been no update on this long standing issue? The fact that it's not even on the Trello board is weird and concerning.
Damnit….I was so fed up with BGs just getting to the GC that I think I just ignored it once I got my Runestones…. Well that sucks, lesson learned 😢
You know what? I’m not sure if I did now that you say it. If I didn’t does that mean I don’t get the rewards?
2 days in a row…
I feel attacked… And I’m here for it lol
lol of course this is the first one that comes up after I post…. Guess I’m pushing the rest of EOP tonight 😒🙄
Lol, naturally today's prompt is Complete a quest for the Double Track Event. Looks like I have to hide away and knock out this stupid challenge before tomorrow's reset. @"Kabam Jax" can you confirm if objectives will stack or not? I missed out on 10k Titan shards last month from that issue, and don't want to repeat that…
I liked Raids before when I was having fun after figuring out Ultron, Kang, Thanos and Maestro, then being able to take a few days off stupid AQ responsibilities and do other stuff in game. This MODOK fight isn’t it
Aaaaand more T6CC to end out the Raids. 🙄 These should be Nexus chests to at least give you the option of chasing rank ups or chasing champ acquisition
So far I’ve mostly gotten resources I could have just bought from BGs store in Raids… I feel so rewarded 😐
More meh….