After today's update, my iPad Pro m1 went crazy in the game. It doesn't let me into any game mode until I switch to the game several times. I'm disappointed.
@"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Porthos" @"Kabam Lyra" @kabamcrashed @KabamDORK @kabampinwheel
P.S. minus 3 bonuses. LOL
The Werewolf's first and third special attacks have the same name and description. Is this a bug or a feature?
Totally agree OP. Same problem. Right now I've verified zone 25 and brought some screenshots indicating this issue. It was my first run this month in sector 6.
Kabam please stop doing that right now please stop your freaking game😹😹😹 Crying’ laughing’ False detectives 🕵️
Yo fam There are my stats Carina 2 - Sin6//Spider verse Team: Mysterio 3/45 unawakened Spider Ham 3/45 20 sig Peni Parker 4 star Miles Morales 5 star — 5/65 200 sig Symbyote Supreme — 3/45 20 sig Trail: Thing - 2 rev + 5 silver heals Omega Red - Spider-Ham solo 40%, activation boosts Miles Morales - 60% Quake - Mysterio 45…
I got nothing. Bought the 15 crystals and not get compensation. Support team don’t reaction on my letter from game
Hi there, same problem Agent Venom, Howard the Duck Path
Thank you so much mate🤝
Hey, Team and Jax I made a full video of one of the matches in the Battlegrounds. In the video you will find most of the mentioned errors reported by users https://youtu.be/idZCrv5PY78
Silent nerf to keep the community in good shape…sadly
Howdy guys! Please shed light on this thread @"Kabam Miike" @KabamJax @"Kabam Zibiit"
On the nuclear station. I’m grinded arenas
Infinity love to @Cat_Murdock Cat Murdock’s work. You're my infographic reference.
Yo guys! Fret not! Don't panic! Keep calm! Kabam want to teach us make a light intercept for Nameless Thanos from Carina Vol. 3 :D
Dude, no offense, but where are you couple day ago? week? Or you play without alliance? I want to understand your point.
Cuz Jax too hot for YouTube
Hello, Kabamers! :smile: This is absolutely disappointing and at the same time causes hysterical laughter. What happened with the Apocalypse right before the Grandmaster's Gauntlet makes you think that the developers are specifically adjusting the abilities of the champions, knowing that the community is counting on them…
It's completely broken. No immunity remains alone after 8 seconds. Each new fight without immune. In any game mode
the only one who knows this cuisine
Take it iiiizi maaaates just post irony.
1st special attack is Bug Fixing: as soon as I notice bugs during an update that are very annoying, I fix them as soon as possible. Special Moves - A mix of David Copperfield and David Blaine 2nd special attack is an increase in the chance of dropping knight crystals for 175 units. When I want to get a certain champion, I…
Rewards scam of the month🤣🤣
Easy win with crashed vfx
Every month the same thing. Such a huge team and the same excuses every month. "We are solving the problem and will notify you as soon as possible" with various variations of this message. It still remains a great mystery to me how Kabam stays afloat from month to month. I have a strong suspicion that it is only because…
Jax looks like Jarvis if Jarvis were human. Nice dude!
Oh, I remember my struggle in acts like it was yesterday! When I couldn't play the story mode due to lack of skill, I would go into a side quest and try to break down the maximum difficulty based on my champion roster. If you don't have some 5* or 6* champion, don't be sad, download 4*, believe me, they will be useful to…
Go to LOL, AOL etc menu and stop crying