Darthmalice66 ★
Add me on line:beastmodesavage
In game name??
Add me in game: creepyrobot66
You must travel deep in the wilderness. After this you must fast for 6 days then kabam will visit you in a vision..
Happened to me in war and Aq..
The hell with the alliance I would worry more about the beloved pets going missing in his neighbourhood...lmao
170k+ player
@Krecco on line..
170k+ add me
Boss killer mysteries maxed out
On line
Looking for 3 active members give me a shout for more details.
A ticket has been submitted already no response.
Experiencing the same issues.
I had to buy a bunch of b's alli health because of this ****.. I'm almost scared to play later
Still searching for one
Happens to me a lot.
Looking for one 100k player must have line Friend me on line@krecco or in game keithrecco We are a strong team that helps others grow
Looking for two strong members
Still searching for one..
Experiencing same issues.
Still looking for one
Still in search for one. Silver one alli climbing to gold
I'll have a look
Still in search for two members.
Same problem going to have to bench mine for a bit.
Two spots to fill.