Deadpooliscool2019 ★
Ok sounds good
Lol thanks I didn't even know that :/
Ok thanks for the help
Ok I'll try to awaken nf any suggestions on the fastest way I can get a 4* ag
So yeah it's not great due to my past stupidity
I used to sell champs because I was dumb so my roster is super scuffed
Ok thanks
Why poison
Idk how to delete it either
That's not entirely true but ok
Or should i say why
Why do you want me to
I really shouldn't complain because it's not superior ironman so yeah fair point
I also don't play the game a ton
I don't sell I just have very few lol
Not trying to complain but ok if you say so
I'm upset lol
Just pulled that cap marvel she any good lol
I think I made this because I really never was paying attention that he gave armor break
Alright let's just say I changed my vote
Alright Bois the chosen one has been taken to r4
Oh both are already at rank 3
Just post a comment if you agree for Nick and that I should r4 him right away
Alright I guess we do Nick Fury
I now don't think they should add anything
Fair point