
  • Thanks again man. At least this lets me know that I’m not as unenlightened as I have been made out to be here. Lol
  • Again, your points being noted, all of that is not normal behavior for the game. It’s not just a random occurrence that should happen rarely. It shouldn’t be happening. The defender should block, but not parry-stun. And that’s the point. I think that much is quite clear.
  • Again, I am in agreement with you but that wasn’t the actual point. The point was that all champs will not parry in the game, and that should only happen in specific content (and in the unique case of one champ, namely, Colossus). The AI is buggy right now and the parries which are currently occurring aren’t working as…
  • Of course the AI *can* parry. What I said was that it only should happen under the specific circumstances when fighting a duel player profile, in AW, and in arena — because those are the only instances when the parry mastery is active for a defender you matchup against. In other content, there aren’t player masteries…
  • Yeah. The AI is bugged right now since this update went live. Everyone is experiencing the very same issues. @StevieManWonder so it’s not “working as intended”. The only part of content when AI can parry is in Alliance War, player profile duels and in Arena fights (which are all based off the actual mastery setup of the…
  • @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Lyra" Please could any of you respond to this?
  • @Kobikobs What’s been your experience so far playing with Guardian? I’ve had some weird interactions happen in two wars now where I’ve used him against Domino and it seems his crit resistance is non-existent as a defensive ability. (Mine is maxed)
  • You mean willpower?
  • @"Kabam Lyra" @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" None of you seem to realize that you have kept people sidelined by not replying to people on this issue. You need to understand that you had officially stated the issue was fixed and that Omega Red would not receive damage back on tentacle hits on the psychic thorns node. He’s…
  • @Werewrym I’m glad it worked for you. I didn’t want to risk it since there’s no confirmation from Kabam on whether or not it’s actually fine now.
  • @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Lyra" @"Kabam Zibiit" Anybody? Somebody? No answer? It’s really become restrictive for players with great counters that cannot function as Kabam intends due to a bug with a war node that isn’t functioning as Kabam describes. What is being done about this please?
  • @"Kabam Lyra" Yes I have had a problem. I’ve described it in a comment above in which I tagged you. I went into the current/ongoing alliance war with Omega Red on the psychic thorns path and on the very first node he was taking damage on only heavy hits (which utilize his tentacles). This shouldn’t happen with this champ…
  • It was fixed and worked fine for me last two wars. And then just now I took Omega Red on the same path in our current war and he’s taking damage again in only heavy attacks. This hasn’t been fixed obviously. @"Kabam Lyra" please confirm this.
  • Hehe. No doubt. I’ll take it. I really am considering making Supreme my first rank two 6 star.
  • I pulled Supreme yesterday along with a 6* Annihilus (who I find to be exceptionally lackluster).