Esketit420 ★
Corvus at r2 has some insane crits doing about 2k each
I did it in .7 seconds
This a troll post right? Haha jk AA is better when duped but still very good unduped.
Visa and MasterCard will work out well for you
Voodoo is a fast killer with insane Regen and spirit venom, but Morningstar only becomes effective after 5 souls which takes time to build up
Trinity is overrated rank voodoo instead. His Regen is great and spirit venom can do up to 1500 per tick
My profile itself can prove that I hit 13 mil
I like how you think this is a troll post
I would wait for void, corvus, proxima, or iceman
IGN is darth-neo
I’m not trolling
I’ve got about 70% of all 4* maxed and 20% of all 5* maxed, just waiting for some more 6*
Haha yeah I’m endgame and pretty much have everything, but it took a while, 4 yrs as a f2p
Hahaha that one troll that voted no, mad respect for u bro
Just cause I have nothing to do during summer break
Same, I grinded ghost as well for 12 mil
I didn13 mil
Idk, I did 13 mil cause I was bored lol
Lol I did 13 mil cause I was bored
@Midnight_Heaven I think Visa/MasterCard is the easiest way to get iceman lol
Ok I’ve awakened my iceman and I’m loving it right now. Thanks for all of your guys’s feedback!
@My_Superior lol nice puns
Just duped my hood 4* lol
Yeah, I’m an end game player so I don’t really care for 4* anymore. But it’s nice getting shards and class iso for duping my 4* champs
Guess who’s not opening any hero crystals till September 25
@KhanMedina good call on the specials but I have stolen a debuff on myself. This has happened when blade used his sp3 (causing insane bleed damage) and I used Loki’s sp1 and made blade bleed himself, might just be a bug also
Use Loki, his sp1 steals all of the opponents buffs and if I’m right you can steal cable’s degen and make him use it against himself
None wait for better champss
Can finish the whole eq without any problems and I’m on and IPhone 6+ with everything updated. The trick? Play on low power mode