FallinAngels ★
I run a very active but chill and laid back alliance! Ride or Die Alliance or tag F!U! My in game is Fallinangels or fallinangelsJR We run map 4 Every day side by side with war U must actively participate and kick ass in aq and aw... if u can do that then welcome home!! Everyone is quick to help you if needed and a couple…
I'm Fallinangels or Fallinangels JR with Ride or Die Alliance (ally tag is [!F!U] ) Must compete in every AQ and AW when full again. Retirees have left the game finally and they will be missed!
My in game I’d is fallinangels or marlon0219 Ride or die alliance is our name and we can split everything equally and run any map u want Line I’d is fallinangel0818
Solid core group!! War focused and LINE ID REQ WE CAN DO ALL MAPS COME RIDE WITH US
New alliance !!! RIDEorDIE ALLIANCE OR TAG !F!U. AW FIRST PRIORITY!! We can do all maps but want a fresh start again and kill it in aq and aw! 12 players and build with us. Been together for years! Rock solid soul core team In game fallinangels / marlon0219 Line I’d is fallinangel0818
New alliance !!! RIDEorDIE ALLIANCE OR TAG !F!U. AW FIRST PRIORITY!! We can do all maps but want a fresh start again and kill it in aq and aw! 12 players and build with us. Been together for years! Rock solid soul core team In game fallinangels / marlon0219 Line I’d is fallinangel0818
In game I’d is fallinangels and marlon0219
Fallinangels ( in game ID) NEED skilled players to build around and run serious aw and aq! MAP 3-5 Rebuild with me and I guarantee with my recruiting staff and players that we have u will be perfect for us
Added a lot of high ranked and high powered players to our strong core! Sa top 10% map 5/5/3/3/2 Just got our alliance blunt force added to a family alliance of 8mil and rrplacing the 6mil In game I'd is fallinangels