Grinder ★
"First of all, the only change made to Dr Strange after the 12.0 nerf was to triple the size of his health steal. Nothing they did after 12.0 made him worse" Read next time? Maybe that's why you can't recall them saying it, you're too busy posting instead of reading
It seems like you forgot about the timer increase as well as the reduced power gain to match it. I mean before you go around telling me what i read didn't happen, maybe make sure you at least know the details.
Feel free to go through the old archives. I know what I read. If you want the proof go search through it and find it, I'm not going to waste my time digging through threads for 2 days.
Said it numerous times when strange threads were rampant. After he was initially nerfed, people complained and they tweaked him a little and ended up making him worse. After that happened they continuously said he was fixed and they were no longer looking into him. It was a case-closed kind of thing and not a single word…
Crossbones dupe is pretty useless, its nice when it procs but it can only go to 25% so it's not reliable at all. Crossbones is liked because of his ability reduction for each stack of fury he has up at any given time. Best skill champ? No Top 5? Sure A good skill champ if you're a very aggressive player? Yes
They've said they're not changing strange again. He was tweaked after his nerf and it made him even worse.
It's only r4 so it doesn't matter... Iceman first if archangel isn't duped.
When you click on a champ to upgrade, it will show you what's required to rank them up and how many of each are needed.
The one and only reason you may use him is because you rushed to get him then r5'd thinking he'd be great, now you're stuck with a r5 champ that does less damage in his best moments as 90% of r4's do at their worst.... You're trying to find gold in a dumpster of dead fish. I don't hate on champs in general, in fact you can…
Nothing beats teleportation.
Half of the champs that have been around for years aren't even working right or fixed. If you honestly think it'll be anywhere even in the distant future that he gets changed you're sadly mistaken. If you're new, I understand why you may be hopeful but if you've been around for a while you're just being oblivious to…
HB is fine as is. He was never meant for anything to begin with apart from being able to defend against the hulk, and it even failed at that. He lives up to what he has done in the past so I don't see anything wrong.
2 words: Bleed champs
enemy attacking into you while you're mid-combo
Carnage is easily the worst champion in the game by a very long shot. And that's with a maxed out carnage with maxed out "potential". They did him wrong, this has been said countless times over and over on the forums. There's no need to make another thread, let's all just forget carnage exists in MCOC, it's for the best.…
It's not a matter of just "which one". When champs are designed for 2 entirely different things you need to pick the one that suites what you need the most. Spidey SE is useful just about anywhere, but if you need a path clearer you have to pick wolverine.
You make my brain want to implode.... Please learn how stuff works before you post about how, according to you, it's broken. No one's talking about it because it's working flawlessly, you just don't know how to read.
trust me, gwenpool at r5 will shine much brighter than any of the skill 5*s unless you have a 5* gwenpool as well.
Gwenpool and ww2 are worth r5 Storm to r3 if shes duped Mk is ok but doesn't have alot of endgame use.
luck of the draw It's possible to pull the same champ 30 times. Doesn't guarantee you'll get something specific, it just gives more chances.
It's most likely science. Judging by how both came into existence from science experiments, the descriptions of both very much lead towards science with the carefully placed words, and we haven't had new science champs since quake so we are far pass due for some. The only reason doc oc could kinda go both ways is because…
Definitely not going to both be tech. Neither one may be, goblin is 100% going to be science while doc oc could go both ways. It's more likely that we will get new science champs which is where they more so belong anyway.
the real damage doesn't come until he's duped. If you're only after poison immunity and stun capability with ok damage go for it
3 different sets of abilities. 3 different uses. 3 in the same skill class. 3 points of confusion. 3 people posted. 3 horsemen. 3 sides to a triangle. Illuminati confirmed.
I think it's best if you just quit playing and uninstall the game. Some people just never catch on.
Iceman's beginning coldsnap damage is next to useless outside of AW. Coldsnap is more useful for offense.
get use to it...?
if you've done nothing wrong, you would've have been flagged for a ban to begin with. sorry you got caught
How about we just stay as classy as this thread?
They've stated that there are certain champs that they have no intentions on ever bringing to 5* due to "unbalanced" reasons. Scarlet witch is one of those champs.