Herbal_Taxman ★★★★
Probably don’t want us to sell it for a currency that’s not capped.
Tron Man
Viv should work, parry then heavy while you’re phased. I wonder if DThanos can counterpunch with a heavy. Don’t see why not, but I’ve only ever used a medium to counterpunch. If it works with a heavy, that might be good for Arnim.
Human Torch
Nimrod, Red Mags, Void…
I don’t think anyone (well, most of us at least) thinks there’s something intentional going on. But I also think it’s more than a simple typo. I don’t think they have a very good handle on sagas, metas, champ pools, tags, calendars, etc and how all that stuff fits together from a player experience perspective. I’m sure…
Second Chance is still in the pool. So is the prowess one.
Care to elaborate on the Storm PX matchup hypothesis?
This is helpful to understand how the team sees it. Couple of questions: As far as I can remember, this particular construct of a saga with subsets of stones has not existed. Is that right? For the deathless saga, you seem to be implying that Deathless stones are one type of saga sig stone and that there could be more…
Graph paper and block printing ftw
F. The fact this comment is delivered with such conviction would indicate how much Kabam misunderstands the situation.
I have gotten some similar weird stuff lately with Prowler’s heavy, especially if I apply the falter with MM after the opponent throws a special. Seems like the problem occurs most often when opponent is faltered and I throw a heavy then canceling into a special. Yesterday Photon (she was not untouchable) just ran in place…
This. They don’t want to devalue the time and effort that people put in over an entire year. The deathless chase just ended less than a month ago.
That might be a reasonable explanation. No idea where these came from…
Check out Seatin’s video on fighting Zola. Was kind of surprising.
Yeah, selling them is a great option. We should totally be glad to get a worthless six star piece after all.
Thank god there is more mysterium at least
Seems like his abilities are constructed so any champ can do the fight, making it more skill focused than RPG. I guess it may just come down to how hard it is to read his animations and react. Personally, if we get a fight where I can focus more on the opponent and less on the HUD / timers, I would welcome that.
So many substantive threads about issues in the game get no response from Kabam, yet a mod chooses to validate this clown’s endless spam.
I just have to wonder, why did they bother in the first place? It’s just another random currency and a low rent store that they now have to take care of. Maybe it helps Kabam cause it’s a global replacement for the unique currencies that were always tied to SQs. But iirc, when we used to earn unique SQ currencies, there…
Traders Outpost is a joke. Whether intentional or not, it looks like we can get a ton of mysterium this month. And as a valiant, couldn’t care less due to the dull rewards and the purchase limits.
Dust is rapidly becoming as irrelevant as AGs
Deathless Thanos. Medusa.
That’s excellent news.
So you think k he only loses one per fight, even if we make some progress by performing the actions correctly? Say you have a decent initial run and he goes from 99 to 65 before you die. Next fight starts with 98?
Have they said if his 99 charges in the final phase can be chipped down over several fights or if they reset to 99 every time you die?
I still do it most months, mainly as an opportunity To play around with new champs.
I voted Cassie because you have two fights (Gwenpool and Heimdall) who can be done by any champ. Should make the team-building easier since you can focus your champs around the rpg reqs of the remaining four fights. And Ares, of course.
OP, I think this is a really interesting thought experiment. Would BGs be more successful as a standalone game outside the MCOC ecosystem? It’s a good question, one that’s actually much more relevant to Kabam than to current McOC players like us who are fully invested in the current game. I’m sure Kabam has one eye on…