JLordVileJ ★★★★★
Also, I'm curious. In everyone's opinion, who is the most evil marvel villain? Imo it has to be bullseye
Patch will likely be here next update, on Monday
Well I don't use her so I wouldn't know. I would say that it would be nice to be able to manually move the relic button to where you want it to be
You can only get the 10k ones twice
The daily super event or the 10k shards? Super event is a solo event so bottom right of your screen. 10k shards is in the store, like in op's image
She might be reducing the ability accuracy of the nodes themself, meaning that the node saying you do damage after the special isn't triggering, meaning you just don't do damage
Did anybody else know that silver samurai and sunfyre were in the original big hero 6? I didnt
Literally any champ that gains an ability when you hit them. So cosmics who get bare buffs on attack like hulkling, gorr etc get cheesed by her
Pretty sure you do
I've been about 35 shards of once I think and had to wait days lol
Dupe a 6 star, do incursions, do daily super event, do some act 8 or 9 paths, do 7 for 7
Yeah just realised lol
It doesn't update halfway through Edit - I reread, didnt realise you got paragon last month. Are you sure it hasn't changed? If it hasnt it is a bug
Night thrasher and pyscho man aren't obscure
Friday probs
I have a sig 20 bullseye, sig 30 something attuma, a shang chi and a cheilith and I still r3d black cat. The others can stay at r2 for a bit. Black cat is worth it
Maybe I'm missing something, why would I sp1?
Just 2 weeks for the alphas
I stg i will rank him, I love him so much, when I r2d him recently I used most of my mutant 🐈
Just 1 sp2
Me when I fought bullseye without a counter for the first time https://youtube.com/shorts/3a_V-BtIB6Q?si=LEwe78R5xJhh22g6
It was taking too long to get the mutant catalysts for some reason, and I was getting impatient. The moment I needed them the catalysts dried up lol. Gonna do wags when I get the 3 tier 4 alphas after aoa is done
Sorry, I have misunderstood i think. Would you mind explaining again?
OK. Original poster, you have an issue. The issue isn't a bug and is therefore related to your skill. And consequently, I would reference to it as a skill issue 😃
1.5 million health lol
Is your gwenpool awakened? She reduces ability accuracy
Kabam really got sick of us hitting two birds with one stone lol
Bait a heavy. Hit him after the first hit dex the next two. Throw special after, before the timer resets. If you are still having problems its pickle a bug