JaeSylvr ★
Thank you for reaching out. I found an alliance
bump also edit; 13.1k prestige.
Hi, I'm a rerurning player, been about 2 years sitting at just over 13k prestige, but looking at where content is I would expect to hit 13.5 once I dupe a suitable 6*. I used to be a p4 war, map 7 player, I'm a little rusty. happy to talk and show what I'm working with roster wise, figure I'll throw my name in, in case you…
discord based alliance We run map7x5 mix of epic and masters, eventually all epic casual wars, p4 atm. long as we clear the map no pressure. We're looking for one more US timezone player. here's my info if you are interested line id:JaeSylvr discord:JaeSylvr#9050
Still Looking :)
Currently running map 5 as we are still recruiting. If interested see ^^
Looking for 4 more US Timezone (or sleep schedule)
still looking
LF 6 more
It does, I'm logged in with googleplaygames and this forum with the same email
I am also in the beta with this issue as well
Timezone is EST, can push prestige up a bit but would prefer to save my sig stones for champions I'm saving rank up resources up for.
@chaos_bruh who do you have? General tips is to use someone with a really heavy hitting special, or someone who power drains upon special, then get really good at hitting into modok's block, as you generate power when hitting into his block. Ramp into a special, parry, special. Rinse and repeat
For bane it is all a matt of getting comfortable with timing. I advise making sure you have parry and stupefy maxed as masteries, that increased stun duration will give you extra time to stall and time your combo to pass bane back mid combo. I suggest baiting specials early on so you dont find yourself stuck "needing to…
@FrodoBaggins Grimx is rebuilding, purged pre-season and now 23 strong. when we are at 30 we run 5x5 in all 3bg. message me on line if interested lineid:jaesylvr
are you running suicides? I really really like my ghost rider persoally, he is an AQ MVP for me. although I am running suicides
@Iamnike GrimX is growing active alliance. we are rebuilding to 3BG's of 5x5 recently did an alliance ovethaul do we are 23members, but once we get back to 27-30 we'll be running 5x5 in all 3 BG's. message me if interested. lineid:jaesylvr
@MaximusMerdius my line id is: jaesylve
@Bigdzim @Frogchef1 @MaximusMerdius y'all still looking?
@Mavis_Bacon Ours communicates in english. are you able to find me on line lets chat, see if we can get you in for this next aq
still looking
@_Kilg0Re_ GrimX is an AQ focus alliance (5x5 when full) that takes AW semi seriously. we have someone who does a defender spreadsheet so we can maximize diversity, and we have a duel bot so people can practice before war fights. if you are interested drop me a message here or on line lineid: jaesylvr
still looking
still looking
@Move964_ GrimX is looking for 3 more members. lost three because they couldn't commit the time, but when we're full we run AQ 5x5 and take war semi seriously. We are a community of players, some having been together for 4 years. If you are interested feel free to message me on line. line id: jaesylvr
@B1gG4z Check out my alliance GrimX. We have some night owls, and a few EU players. Curretly we're down 3 members, but we run 5x5 when we're full. I couldn't find you on Line. maybe you xan find me id:jaesylvr?
@Lukaziz If you want to wait until after this AQ rotation thats fine too.
still looking
still looking