Still need a player? If so hit me up line Once_213.
I replied back to you on Line. Once_213
Sorry Line: Once_213
Still need a player? Game and Line ID: Jazz_213
Yea I am. Once_213
Line ID Once_213
Too bad I’m not at 10K lol
Hit me up on line Once_213. We are plat 4
Line me Once_213
Line me bro
I’m seeking to R4 2 5*. I have map 6 experience but I don’t not have the prestige you are looking for. Yet. In game Jazz_213
Added u bro
In game name is Jazz_213. Line is Once_213
4725 prestige player. Map 6 experienced player. I can R4 another 5* Jazz_213 in game namw
I have 4725 prestige. I have enough to R4 another 5*. Jazz_213 in game name