
  • I was in that alliance. I never ever knew of anyone in that allaince cheating. If that were true, i knew nothing of it. Maybe your mixing us with the other top alliance. Your also either naive or stupid about accounts being sold. It happens daily. Obviously if it's against the ToS, then why hasn't Kabam done anything about…
  • Don't EVER talk bad about an alliance you know nothing about. You believe what idiots have to say about an alliance, but won't believe something I am trying to educate the customers on. Rudness comes from people with no talent. Take care.
  • I can not believe the rudness. I'm trying to help and you want to be rude. F*CK IT. I apologize for even bothering to identify something. Play on!
  • Parinoa and delusion? Let me give you same background about myself. I played this game when it first came out. I was part of the second biggest alliance in the game. The original ISO8A. We were switching between number 1 and 2 with the other top alliance when alliance wars started. So I am a veteran of this game, not a…
  • There are multiple game plays with these issues. Give arena a try and see how the AI blocks some of your specials. How you can't trigger their sp1 or 2 at times. The attackers health will barely flinch. Your sp's will get hacked when you know you hit the sp and so on. Be on the look out for things that are not normal when…
  • The AI issue are totally out of control. Kabam needs to fix this ASAP. This is abuse of loyalty to your summoners.
    in AI Kommentar von Lestad5813 September 2024