Libralonix ★
Prof X! I'd already got 1 AG in my stash so I figured it was a no brainer
I've just started playing this months event quest and I've done 2 chapters on uncollected using fury for every fight and he went straight to his 2nd phase on the first fights of both chapters. Any update on this bug?
Ahhhh it did confuse me when it didnt work!
One of my alliance members just sent me this from trucos
Green goblin didnt work for me and hes got villian tag
As Mitriax said, talk to your officers, I'm sure one of them would be more than willing to take on the mantel! If you need a retirement alliance, look me up, my in game name is Libralonix! Take a break, get some well earned rest!
My first forum meme, created it last night for the popcorn fest, hope you all enjoy it!
I've had the compo come through and I've only done the one run through (I did have to restart the game for the mail to appear), I imagine the compo will be sent out in waves so everyone whose due will get it shortly
Congrats mate, sunspot is an amazing champ. Hes got to be the champion I use the mostlurely because of how fun he is, plus his sp2 is immense. Really jealous of ur 6* one though!
That's great luck from a grandmaster (even if it was rocket). I've gotta have opened hundreds and only had a couple of 5* from them
Remembering that final hit from old man logans sp1! I cant even begin to remember how many times I've been caught out by that and ran into it :D
I'd love to be invited to join the betas, always happy to give feedback. Fingers crossed we get lucky next time!
RIP to the man who brought black panther to the world! He will be sorely missed! Thoughts are with his family! His legacy lives on......Wakanda Forever!
It kinda depends on your current progression, but I'd always favour 5* over the 4*
CapIW, Sunspot, Dr Voodoo, Omega Red and Nick Fury. I am tempted by the idea of bring Aegon in though, I've seen a few people mention it so we'll see!
I dont have all the champs on the list, but I do have a rank 5 sunspot and omega, and while omega has great utility, Sunspot is by far the funner champion to fight with. Plus his sp2 can be abit silly, which is always a bonus!
I cant wait for the challange of 31 bosses, dont think my stash of units will like it though :D
Easiest to hardest Varient 4 Varient 5 Varient 3 Varient 2 Varient 1
I cant wait for her to join the game as a 5*!
I think the dual class Crystal's are your best bet!
T2A and T5B are a struggle for me, probably more so the T5B
I found Cap IW and Dr Voodoo to be great for clearing Act 5
That pretty much sums it up!
I've just agreed to them all to counter this plonker! :D
Hi there, I run a retirement alliance where theres no requirements to join AQ or AW. We mainly run map 2, wih the odd 3 and 4 as and when we fancy it. We also run AW during the season and are currently in silver 2. We dont take the game too seriously, just here to have fun. Any and all welcome! If your interested my in…
Took me a few attempts (wasnt a fan of this node when surfer was first introduced either). I just used nick fury and kept spamming parry and heavy. This increased the duration and stacked bleeds so it eventually took him down. Good luck!
Ahhh my bad, I did a quick search but nothing came up. Thanks for the info! If a mod could close this please that would be great thanks
Thanks guys, much appreciated!