No problemo
Hela, she’s not on there but she’s MY favorite
This is hard, I would choose hela because I love her animations
Oh, sorry
Windows 7? You should update to 10
It’s when he’s reganrting
Are they working on a new website or was it my iPad?
Robot lives matter!
Can you post a video of him against winter soldier to me?
Unst colouses I think, mystic and mutant
I heard of suicides, but what is that? It would be helpful if someone can tell me how to get them, thanks!
There's a question mark... I'm no scientist but ?=Question
Color Red :)
Dumb question alert, what’s MCU?
I prefer the first one but your choice
Someone should do 2 star groot
It would be funny if you had 149 posts.
Question, why would you bring x 23 into king groom, he’s bleed immune