Midnightfox ★★★★
Iceman or ultron
Thank you for the breakdown and yes I did read every detail. Overall for December I was not unhappy, but in some ways I do feel we were mislead. If I had known we would not get full points for tickets for crystals in advance I might have saved more money over the span of the tickets and used it on banquet for more points.…
I’ve had my dazzler r3 since early December no regrets and she is unduped.
Yes has been very frequent
I would love to see more t4a added in gc. For those of us who grind season to season that is a big pain point. Maybe some more 7 star shards and titan crystals. All of this towards the lower end as the higher end already make out like bandits. Higher can have some stuff added, but lower end need some high end upgrade and 7…
Another thing to consider with this change is every raid has had at least one bugged fight first raid that needed adjusted. I don’t think this should take effect until after we make sure all fights are tuned correctly. I don’t like only going to one to carry over at all, but will roll with it as I don’t have a say. I do,…
Yep 16. Could have sworn it was only 6. Glad I’m not crazy. Lol
Same. Everything gone
Everything is missing at this point. No energy, aq energy, or war energy showing. Or units. Or anything else.
I know I didn’t miss any milestones. Why does it seem like we’re missing a week.
I feel the same
So I guess we’re looking at Monday then?
Isophyne to r3 is my only regret.
Always love waiting games
Wonder when that will happen
Same thing here @KabamDORK @KabamPinwheel
Thank you @KabamPinwheel for coming in and addressing things. It is nice to see a presence show back up in the forums between you and crashed. And yes im sorry I do miss Jax and miike. Something to pick up from them is they did a very good job of staying engaged for the most part, especially Jax and that goes a long way in…
Thank you crashed for doing the right thing. I’ve been a big critic, but this was definitely an olive branch to valiants and acknowledgment of our frustration. Still waiting to see your post mortem write up though.
Still wondering when we’re gonna get crashed’s post mortem as he referred to it write up.
I guess I made the right decision r3’ing destroyer over other mystics sick they have similar play styles. Juggs gets to sit on the shelf till kabam does their job.
Just posted on discord. Fix supposed to come in by the end of next week. Gotta love long waits.
So when can we expect a fix on this? Juggs is one of my go to’s and how do you screw this up? Was jugg even supposed to be touched in the update? Sp2 thunderclap and no connection and sp3 im gonna telekinetically throw a stone at you and do no damage. Come on kabam.
This is why you remain part of the problem.
Ummm crashed already admitted they were flawed in another thread and of course the whales were compensated.
Yep. Just saw the jugg bug
And nothing. Anyone surprised?
Still waiting to see what John aka crashed has to say now. He dug himself even further in a hole with the community with his “dirty fix”