Mr549 ★
Emma is a great counter to mix master but she doesn't counter Korgs thorns damage.
10 places left. Will consider merges as long as you come to us 🙂
Full now, thanks everyone.
We are The Revengers. AQ is 225mil 555x5 and our ally prestige is 8.8k. AW is 3BG Gold2 and tier 8/9. We have a good atmosphere. Message me on Line if you're interested, my ID is Mr549.
Hey bud, hit me up on Line if you can - ID is Mr549
Hey man, don't have discord. If you have Line, my line ID is Mr549, we could be a good fit, depending on the sort of numbers you're looking for. Add me on Line to discuss, if you're interested.
Should have said, we're looking for 8k prestige or higher, ideally. But chance it if you're close!
Hey bud add me on Line you're exactly who I need... Mr549. I'll go through everything with you on there. We are scoring about 161m in AQ but it's going up - and I need an Aussie to be a path buddy for our other Aussies!! We run AQ 554x5 although looking at moving to 555x5. We run heroic mods on all BGs now. Got screwed…
Two spots left
Are you looking for wars? I've got a space in AQ map4 7k prestige roughly and you're welcome to join on a trial basis. We'll do about 150m+ points tho, much more than 80. My Line ID is Mr549 (and IGN). Line required and you need to be very active.
Why are people posting this in the alliance recruitment section?
I opened a chat with you on Line bud :smile:
I should have said, obviously running map 5 we require donations. These are - 50k Gold - 3.5k loyalty Always due on a Friday.
Hey bud, I've sent you a message on Line. Hope you get around to checking it :)
Add me on line Mr549
I'd be interested in chatting to you about what you're looking for. I'm sure we can accomodate the community side of what you're looking for. We run 554x5 and 2bg wars. Looking for solid map 5 players. Your current ally seems pretty beefy on paper, why're you looking to change? My Line ID is Mr549.
Hey bud I've added you in game, think you'd be a perfect fit for us... Add me on Line to discuss further, but we have loads of loyal members and all get on really well. My ign and Line ID are both Mr549.
Hey man are you still looking for an ally? If so message me on Line - Mr549. We are replacing some members this week, have AQ maps 554x5 and 2 BGs for war, so you can be AQ only. Hope to hear from you. Cheers, Mr549
Hey dude, You're most likely going to need to download Line and create an account to take the next step... It's required for the amount of comms map4 will take. My Line ID is Mr549. I run a dual alliance - the lower (and brand new) one is going to be doing 432x5 for AQ (which will probably be the best fit for you unless…
Hey bud, I've hit you up on Line and you look like a pretty good match for what we are looking for, but we're a bit behind your war expectation. I'll explain more on Line if you're willing to give us a shot.
I've added you in game, and my Line ID is Mr549, let me know if you want to discuss the opportunity. I think we might be what you're looking for... We run map5, 2 BGs for War so we have the option for some members to be AQ only. Looking for some new players to replace those who couldn't keep up with our current progress.…
Hey bud, if you add me on Line by ID Mr549, I'd love to have a chat with you about an opportunity for you to join our family.
Hey buddy, if you're still looking, look me up on Line, I think you'd be a perfect fit for us. My Line ID is Mr549.
If Kabam are serious about this rebalancing of the characters, and making them all somewhat relevant, they should start at the bottom of the pile, not with Human Torch!! He's great how he is... At the moment there are tons of champions in the 5 and 6 star pools who are absolute garbage. I've pulled loads of them as fives,…