Mukesh5445 ★
Contact line id mukesh2024 Gaming name MUK£SH
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Select All ISO Toggle in Upgrade Screen Quick Free Crystal Claim toggle Select all ISO Toggle and Quick free crystal claim such a amazing upgrade 👌
nah i picked Longshot in 2nd time🙃
Thanks bro
thanks bro
It took me around 6k to 7k units to explore the full Act 7.
Human Torch 5 or 6*
Any information about Battlegrounds this month when it will come next I really liked it.
What happened to the mastery setup, if you want to change even a single point, you have to make a full recovery, then what do you think about it?
No needed now.
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It's same happened with me,i am lose 6 times for this reason😓.
Where did you see 6800 6star Shard I only see 4000 in legendary and 1300 in epic i.e. total I right?
I am also noticing since yesterday the game has become very slow, I wish it was taking double time to grind the arena ,side quest and events quest for the loading time issue.
I have joined alliance 😊