Orangeblood19 ★
Just duped and took my OR to 5/65 - only been using him about a week and was coming here to post the same thing. It happens all the time...right in the middle of a combo or hitting into their block.
Thank you for the response. Alliance Name and Tag below... Name: Civilized Scrubs Tag: Civs Just to reiterate, we are missing points from the 1st war.
@"Kabam Miike" I've already checked. The season total shows 1.150 million, which is the total of our 2nd and 3rd war of the season. It does not include the points from the first war - the screenshot above.
@"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Lyra" I have submitted 2 tickets and continue to receive the same response - that the issue has been resolved. However we are still missing all of the points from our first war, and they are not reflected in the season total.
He's far from a trophy champ. Very usable - he's one of the rare 4* champs I even use anymore.
My question above notwithstanding, here's the worst thing about it. Kabam had already set the precedent for selling OG Vision for Units. The last two times you had to spend 1000 units to get the 3* version, then 3000 units to get the 4* version. In other words, you could save up the units without spending money. So people…
What if you already have the 4* Vision at max sig? I would have to buy him again just to unlock the ability to get the 5* version? @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Vydious"
We were Gold 1 and only run map 3 in AQ.
Yeah, I'm not sure how someone in tier 6/7 could hit Gold 1. We finished 1177 with 13.6 million pts and every single one of our matches was in tier 5 or 6, with the majority of our matches in tier 5. We won 13 and lost 11, btw. Every time we would win in tier 6, our rank would actually drop slightly once all the numbers…
I'd be curious as to how you arrived at the "likely mulitplier needed to achieve that score". My alliance finished 1177 in Gold 1 - approx 13.5 million pts. We never played one match in tier 7. All matches were in tier 5 or 6 - probably 70% in tier 5.
Bro, at the time of my post we were rank 29 in Gold 2. (Finished 1177 in Gold 1). So yeah, having one more War's worth of pts could have made a huge difference. We made Gold 1 by less than 80k.
They already have given special treatment. In week 2 of the season, on Sunday, my alliance started matchmaking....and it searched for hours before finally matchmaking closed without us being able to start a 3rd war. We submitted a ticket and were told "sorry, you're SOL". If the the issues were handled uniformally, we…
How were you guys winning wars in tier 4/5 with 10 guys below 100k?
Yes, matchmaking is bad. I play a lot of online games, and MCoC has the worst method of matchmaking by far. This season, every war we have fought except 2 has been against alliances 3-6 million over us (we are currently 7).
They aren't going to do anything. My alliance has been ripped of twice by modders. We reported and nothing happened to them. I keep going back to look, and yep, they are still going strong. It's ridiculous.
Same for my r5 sig 99. His synthesis at the start of the fight does next to nothing now. @"Kabam Miike" ?
Definitely bugged. My sig 99 starts the fight off with almost 2 full bars. Now, almost nothing.
I noticed today that mine (duped at r5) isn't power burning in arena. I refreshed him two more times as a test, and it still didn't work. (wasn't against Magneto before anyone asks). Tested in Global duel, and it worked there. Has anyone experienced this?