Pandingo ★★★★
Im in a similar boat. All I want from the titan now are dupes on shathra/spiral/scream and I wouldn't HATE a dupe on jack/rhulk/bwdo but I've got all the rest duped and I still.havent pulled patriot or Northstar which is insanely good luck. So I'm just gunna wait now
Great. We can all stop opening SGCs. 🤣
This. This is what many of us wanted and expected. I don't personally expect the world. But this would have been much better. I did finally get a limited selector after roughly 40k contribution. So I finally got the duck (over duping storm finally) but yes. I'm done there. Maybe I'll take a crack at xmas with my google…
As a spender (not a whale but a high end dolphin) i have been very underwhelmed by the turn out. I believe I saved enough for 54 crystals and 1% of a new material seems silly to me. Plus just getting mostly small amounts of material shards that are definitely not worth 10 dollars a pop feels really bad. The gold is good.…
The most subtle trolling ever @MorningstarIsBae
Its not dumb at all. It's a valid point
Dafudge is 'cook bro' i was just hype to pull my number 1 want on the 2nd crystal and forums is usually so doom and gloom and hate and troll i wanted to post a positive post. But heard. Loud and clear
Its like a neon tag was thrown on for a day
I love these bugs. Ngl
My alliance mate just got a bright blast screen. Legit zero visability
Im here for this ♤
Dazzler for one. Jack for two. I thought it was mid difficulty. 3 revives.
Im here for rhulk
At this rate? Dazzler or Angela. Maybe Void.
Thats what I'm playing at as well. Even if the main crystal added 7* versions of the champs that were in basics id still prefer the odds of a new 2*
Agreed. But I'm still r3ing him with the same situation because I. Love. Playing him. Hahaha. But yes. He's gunna take some time and investment. Just like my angela and void. Who are currently slapping at sig 200
Those dupes though 😍😍
The bummer. Not thrilled with double duping these two but at least BRB likes a higher sig. Then an AMAZING roll over from the flying quicksilver to my most recent r3. I wasted zero time. Also pulled my 2nd biggest want in shathra. But still hunting rhulk/spiral dupe/shathra dupe/rintrah in that order. This crystal is the…
Bahahaha this.
This is the kind of response I love. Cheers for the info!! Glad it's not only me as a late game player who enjoys sig 200 5s
Bro. Y'all need to chill. 😅
A slew of level 20 players with 7* Thanos would disagree. Lol. VERY unlikely but possible from GGC
Ok. Now this is REALLY weird. There was 100% an error. I purchased the stark bundle and now it's saying I'm up 2000 units. That should have only covered 850 units. What in the confusion is going on. I should have waited for them to respond because this is all crazy now.
This is the only thing I can imagine. Weird for it to take a few days. I haven't made a purchase since the hunter market dropped
This is good advice. I'm waiting on a response now
Also 999 units seems oddly specific. I believe i had 1782 or something like that. So that would be roughly 2600 and there are no cash unit bundles that match that.
I thought about this and checked all my recent transactions. I only recognize the high holidays of mcoc (the big 4) so I did whale a Lil bit but nothing has been refunded and i didn't have anything taken out of my mcoc account. Nor did I receive any emails about refunds or bounced payments.
Darn. There is a completionist side of me that is just not ok with that.
What was it? Out of curiosity. I was spamming all the !in stream giveaways but other than 10years etc etc I couldn't tell what was giveaways and what this hidden code was. What a dissapointment missing that after watching for two hours. It probably wasn't anything groundbreaking but still.