Prakhar_82 ★★★
I was exploring 7.4.6 and I am not able to do it because each time Kang does his phase change animation,the screen goes blank and only solution is to quit the fight and revive your champ to move further. Please fix this issue as soon as possible and they is pretty much everyone being affected by it (still wierd there is no…
spidey funko ,DNA3000,agentxzz, Dr Zola Honourable mentions; monkey, CGR(2021-1), Fake madrid
It could actually be a photoshop. The skin tone of the face doesn't match with rest of the body and yet it seems more likely for it to be knull or any other very important character.
why not spider ham and peni?
no please hell no, don't give them ideas please
They could definitely be fixing that or even designing some new game mode or content and that's my whole point. If it is too troublesome to design abyss 2.0 or SOP, just give us something like a weekly or fortnightly boss rush which gives us something like a currency which we can exchange for something in store. I don't…
The grind MCOC (youtube) has a very useful guide based on a spreadsheet. That spreadsheet contains all details about each fight in abyss and is useful for keeping record of resources as well.
I hereby ask for TIGRA GAMEPLAY [Prakhar Dubey,remember me?]
There isn't any wifi available in any utility in my area but it doesn't mean I can't afford it with my cellular data. The issue is I can't do so weekly especially when there are classes. Even today I have to wait like 12 hours so all of my online classes are over and manage the update then and not risk the classes.
Would be fine with ~ 4.5 K
Still looking
how the hell are you able to see this ability as a relic but not in his offcial kit. He could definitely have an abilty where the opponent becomes non responsive [like a passive stun or miss ability] for a specific time period and you can just wave a ton of attacks and and special attacks in that period of time. And him…
well if they have given him a chance, I am pretty sure they will have something in the bag for quicksilver for sure. And for my wildest guess, they will do something similar to what they did with hawkeye's perfect release but for whole fights.
4 months actually
Your username and thread title goes so well lmao
My resolutions for MCOC ; 1. 100% ABYSS 2. ACT 7 100% 3. Chill and have fun in every content that comes out
LOL, those 15k units look tasty though. How long have you been playing?
Thanks. I am in no aq aw alliance so prestige does'nt matter anyways.
Prakhar~82 GGCs Mister Negative
It works fine now, Sorry
7 is my favourite number. So 7 GGCs?
abyss 100%
Depends on whom you like more. Also the shift from 5* R5 to 6* R3 is massive and you won't regret it if you go with HT.
as you say sir @Ebony_Naw
Here we go! Glad I did what I felt better rather than depending on youtuber's opinions Thanks @Mysterio
Hell yeah. I will do it by replacing aegon cause he sucks in act 5 which looks like the content you are doing right now.
Not even close lol. (Don't get me wrong stryfe is solid, but prof X is just next level)
I mean it's just three weekss to go for 4th of July deals. Wasting 800$ on something which can be 10 times guaranteed better in 1/2 the investment is not the best financial decision I have ever seen. Also, always be prepared for the worst outcome whenever you open a crystal.