RickVegas ★
She hulk, venom, Luke cage, Hawkeye... all fairly useful. LC will keep you in some fights with his awakened ability... your true b*tch is the 2 Caps and 2 HBs... it sucks. I have 16 5 stars and not one is very good... I managed to pull 4 Groots! This is all a year old and they really buffed she hulk and LC and Venom. All…
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For voodoo it’s a nice bonus for SW it’s a game changer.
Corvus is bad ass. The persistent charge is like adding another tier for each charge so each gives him what seems to be an OR of like +1200 per charge. With 2 or 3 charges a 4200 OR hits like a 6000-7000 OR champ. That’s a lot of value... and the requirements aren’t that strict to get a charge. Any avenger, tech, or mutant…
Tough one... against the quicker buffed champions Void but it wouldnt be a bad choice to go with the glave. I have 3/40 Void and 4/40 glave and the charges with glave let you easily blow through just about any quest or arena. Having the willpower mastery offsets the bleeds and such. Both are beyond-god level it’s just more…
I just used electro and stood there and didn’t push a single button