RockCity333 ★
**** you're right. When did they increase it to 4? It's always been 2 and 3 energy on the 3rd chapter.
The cost is 4 per move
As far as I can tell you need to do more testing. Lock on absolutely does bypass Astral evade.
Afraid you're wrong. I use falcon against Mordo all the time. It bypasses the Astral Evade. After it happened a couple times I restarted the app and restarted the quest and it had fixed it. Some bug was preventing it from working though originally.
I understand that but they should clarify the rules before the even starts. The other daily objectives disappear when new one come out. They stack.
Did you collect rewards. if you don't. you won't get points for doing them and it looks like they won't refresh
Mine haven't either
facing multiple opponents. the last time was on the mutant path at section 3 against jubilee. i know one fight was against an ultron drone. all types but none that day anything about preventing regen. it's map 4. it did it on basic nodes too which only have the increase attack and 3rd special (plus modifier)
A swing and a miss on the side quest this month.
No one said it was hard. It's about trying to identify whether issues are bugs or bad node descriptions. This is literally posted in the section for bugs. Get better at reading
The question wasn't so much how do I finish it as how did it release with the obvious bug in portals
Nah man....they are "looking into it" lol 😆
yeah I know how to finish it. But they screwed up and had their portals leading to the wrong place. The first run I did was gambit and it took me to where the lower portal also goes. Now it doesn't. That means they screwed up their portals at the start and have since corrected them.
None of the bosses are particularly hard. It was just the wording was really poor
Which is weird since he doesn't glance any heavies against hercules, which as a large champ doesn't glance heavy attacks. Seems like they should be glancing too from his kit
then this happens when you try to select the menu
It's not fixed. If you log back in you're tied to the partner you had previously, even if they aren't there anymore.
will our champs be recharged for those of us that got booted?
pretty sure they could verify this. even if game crashes it doesn't usually kick you out pf the content you're on, unless it's incursions or battlegrounds so that's odd
now champs will need to recharge if/when they get it working
it crashed the whole thing. screwed lots of partner incursions mid fights
Yes it is several days. That's why the 2x#5 and the Deadpool coin are missing.
Yeah I just didn't go in to collect. I usually just grabbed them from stash as they got closer to expiring, but I was doing the objectives each time and making sure the list was empty as I played using the tab for them. Of course that tab is gone now that there is the new format
Yeah I understand the guessing but the health loss from block damage already took place before the 2 second timer to lock on. Unless it starts recurring I can't really show anyone because I don't record my fights.
Anyone else tired of this a dozen times a day. just have to be in another tab and hit the alliance tab. Game will time out.
It wasn't adrenaline. I hadn't taken any hits. It seems to be resolved now though but it did it that entire day
Tell me how I'm taking blocked hits by stunning an opponent, dashing back while they are stunned and letting Redwing lock on. and as soon as locked on, the health drops just a bit. The opponents weren't close to me. It was just dropping as soon as lock on happened.
I've just been playing story content to 100% And it's happening on all nodes.
it's affecting everyone on all champs. it's not a device specific problem. stop treating it as such. The problem is in the coding