Rupp20304 ★
Was waiting for AOA. I’m finishing up the ccp challenges and could really use the ascension dust from the milestones
Still LF1 Plat 6 300k bgs AQ map 6 and 3 bgs for raids Add either of us on line Whatscrackin904 Rupp20
I help run a plat 6 ally currently pushing plat 5 BGs 300k min AQ maps 666 We have a really good group of players and officers that would definitely be understanding and get that real life takes precedence. If you’re open to chatting more add me on line: Rupp20
Not even close. Scorpion can take 99% of fights in the game and do well
Line ID should be working now, never received a message from you in game. What is your line? I can message you
If my Line id isn’t popping up message me yours in game and I’ll find you in line
Looking for a pretty active alliance running at least map 5 AQ. Aw is something I’d like but not necessary. Definitely want an ally with an active chat
Rupp20304 in game Cavalier 10k prestige Very interested
Send me an invite, Rupp20304
I have line but only 6700 prestige. Got a spot for me?
Both are fantastic but a high sig gaurdian is a rank with his block proficiency and helps keep the rest of your team alive with his synergy
Also discord is rupp20
I have decided to stop spending I’m a below average spender at around $50 a month. I’m single with lots of disposable income so I can easily afford to spend more but not until I see changes. I know Kabam Mike says there are things in the works, and I know new content and changes take a long time to put into effect, but…
Kabam Please stop making nodes only 3 champs can effectively counter. Stop making us choose between saving resources or making us spend resources and money to play our favorite champs. Not all champs need a rework, it’s the nodes that could be made different. Make map 7 more fun and versatile by making a plethora of champs…
Line ID is rupp20304
Add rupp20304 on mcoc