Staunton ★
OK a player has gone offline for more than a day so looking to replace them My line id is staunton2019
New Spot free in ally War season starts wed 2nd next week Add me on line... staunton2019
1 spot free Add me on line app: staunton2019
Where you from? I run a UK ally. Plat4 Easy 5x5 epics.... get 320m My line id is staunton2019
Spot available after war season ends
Spot available
If you're leader or officer it looks like that...
1 spot free in active UK ally P4 + 320m aq, 5x5 epics
If players say they're active and communicate well in a bg then don't do that they get replaced.... simples
Spot going for 1 player now
Just looking for 1 good uk or euro timezone player.
2 spots going. My line id is staunton2019
Spot opening up. Anyone interested?
Won first 2 wars of s31...
Making a change 1 spot free
2 spots free. My line id is staunton2019
Spot will be available after aq/this war ends
So we were enlisted.... just a visual bug not an enlistment issue. Cheers kabam
Just ping me on Line app... Staunton2019
Looking... add me online Staunton2019
Still looking
Spot available
Player had to open now Join us before aq starts Only war 2 of season 28 Line id: staunton2019 Must be uk or +1
Spot opened up
Still looking... Join us before war season starts
Spot has opened back up