Temple14997 ★
We are currently full
Still looking
Still looking
Hit me online at holy-temple
We are a platinum alliance looking for 1 in IST , Or Gmt 5.5. We run map 5 and average around 260 million. I can give you more details on line at holy-temple
Still looking for 1 in IST
Looking for one in IST and one US
Yes we are
We are mostly a us based alliance we do have one BG that is IST.
Still looking
Still looking
Still looking
Still looking
If your still looking hit me up online at holy-temple. We are a platinum 3/4 alliance running map 5.
The IST time zone is filled
Have one opening left
Still looking for 2
We still have 2 openings
This is filled
We are a platinum 3/4 alliance looking for 2 active players at the moment. We have a group of guys that would be in Australia time zone. We run map5 and usually average 230-240 million. If interested hit me online to discuss further. Line ID holy-temple
We are a platinum 3/4 alliance looking for a active player. We run map5 and require line. We usually get 500k plus in SA. We have an entire BG in your time frame . If interested hit me on line holy-temple
We are a gold 2 alliance. No donations we run map3. Holy Temple