Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
We are aware of an issue with the seeding for the beginning of the BG season.
We are adding rewards to higher progression brackets to offset the additional grind.
More information here.
**Arcade is being extra tricky with his Murder Box...**
It appears Arcade has been non-cooperative in his approach to this month's side quest and presented his clues in a nonsensical order. Lucky you, Summoners, we have our best and brightest on the case and those clues should now be a lot more straightforward. While messing around in Arcade's files we came across a phrase, highlighted and bolded, with sparkles and pointy arrows: "the abode for the dead" ... Maybe that will help you along the way!


  • Realistically speaking,3 mil gold a month that is more reasonably attainable isn't crazy whatsoever. That's kinda low balling it but like for example I was just in the mystic archive store and I noticed yet another pattern... literally all resource deals but not a drop of gold to do anything with them. It's sad and at…
  • Is there a way to block someone on the forums cause you really dont need to be replying to my stuff in general
  • Could you possibly just reconsider replying whenever you see my name? I'm well aware of your position with bp and dont want or appreciate your input.
  • Completely felt that tbh,just made him a pointless character when there's a dozen others that are way better and easier to play,tbh I had him at rank 4 for quite a while before the update and I kinda want a rank down ticket now
  • I never said any one outside of some youtubers top OPINION of a champ is good lol,I'm cav and I dont have quake at all,magneto as a 4 star, and I barely use ghost as a rank 4, I enjoy unconventional champs but bp just falls flat lmao,also I didn't have "some attitude" I was taking note of the very limited vanilla content…
  • You...can't sell champs anymore lol
  • Hmmm so for one quest a month...and as a secondary option at that. Got it.
  • I feel the reward should be worth the risk if you gotta be playing that crazily to use a character. I understand he's a bleed focused character but why give him mechanics that allow him to gain 15 passive cruelties just to have...meh yellow numbers. Not to mention the bleeds themselves do less damage than they used to…
  • Why would you have beginner/ mid teir damage with a character that needs a end game level of skill to play? If a new player scores a bp their first month playing they will be lost and he's probably gonna collect dust like a lotta task masters. Taskmaster is great and hits harder than bp but how many players in general use…
  • His sig is mostly for utility,even at full ramp he's not the most impressive to me,I think the juice needs to be worth the squeeze
  • Like you said earlier. Play the champ yourself and see. Literally just slap on quantum trinity,nick,and yellow jacket or someone and see what he can do, although he does need to be duped to get the furies from glancing but from a mathematical standpoint,yes he hits far harder than black panther and it's a fact. If you say…
    in Bp nerf Kommentar von Thugsmurf Mai 2021
  • Bro...please stop talking. You're just making up fantasies now and saying people are lying or whatever,you sound like a trump supporter ngl "oh if I dont win then they cheated" is on the same level as "oh if you claim to use bp before the buff you're lying" look. I said a number of times that he isn't garbage post buff but…
    in Bp nerf Kommentar von Thugsmurf Mai 2021
  • Have you tried antman with synergies? If you think bp is one of the hardest hitting champs in the game,you must be a groot main huh? Took your 6 star to rank 3 and everything I bet. Please stop talking
    in Bp nerf Kommentar von Thugsmurf Mai 2021
  • Yeah his garuenteed crit on special intercept is certainly bugged as well,also would it hurt to maybe add some sort of fury while in Panthers might? Like those are supposed to be some MIGHTY hits,not 2.3k medium crits on a rank 4 5 star
    in Bp nerf Kommentar von Thugsmurf Mai 2021
  • Yeah that's what I'm saying,if they seen how cool he was prebuff then played him post buff they would know what we're talking about and there wouldn't even be a debate tbh. Everyone was hyped cause we saw how underrated his prebuff state was and for how he is now...it's just sad. Also kabam knew what they were doing when…
    in Bp nerf Kommentar von Thugsmurf Mai 2021
  • I didn't get to finish lol but basically like the utility he has...is for matchups you would even use him in which is a little weird
    in Bp nerf Kommentar von Thugsmurf Mai 2021
  • Not sure if you saw earlier up but we were talking about since he needs an aggressive playstyle,maybe implement a taunt every time he doesn't finish a combo,or even like a suppression per Bro...enough means not a noodle. They specifically said "watch your opponents melt" and when he used to do fury level bleeds pree buff…
    in Bp nerf Kommentar von Thugsmurf Mai 2021
  • Bp gains nothing and shrugs way less
    in Bp nerf Kommentar von Thugsmurf Mai 2021
  • Bro...ghost not only phases all damaging debuffs but she turns them into massive furies and has an easier way of getting garuenteed crits on specials
    in Bp nerf Kommentar von Thugsmurf Mai 2021
  • Thank you bro, exactly my point I'm trynna make. Howards sp2 does suppression when it used to have like 8 different effects,he needed a tune up to keep his quirkiness, although I have admittedly used him a couple times since the buff. And even champs like guardian for instance has mad utility and one of the hardest sp2's…
    in Bp nerf Kommentar von Thugsmurf Mai 2021
  • I'm not even talking about hood or reverting the buff,just give his synergies back or add some sort of fury during panthers might or something so my 5 star rank 4 hits harder than 2.3k on a medium crit with 15 cruelties active lol
    in Bp nerf Kommentar von Thugsmurf Mai 2021
  • Bro I'm saying in crossbones case,he shrugs buffs and turns them into furies. Kingpin loves having buffs and when he does shrug them,they become offensive power rate AND damage. Both very unique abilities. On top of that,they both shrug WAY more than black panther can and he needs to be awakened to do it! (Although…
    in Bp nerf Kommentar von Thugsmurf Mai 2021
  • I see your point but it's in a very limited amount of matchups and champs like crossbones and kingpin not only shrug way better but they benefit from debuffs,black panther has a mediocre shrug off and they do nothing for him
    in Bp nerf Kommentar von Thugsmurf Mai 2021
  • LITERALLY BRO PREACH!! I wasn't going that far but antman literally has better numbers with the right team set up and he's tankier with glancing, and fatigues
    in Bp nerf Kommentar von Thugsmurf Mai 2021
  • 😭😭😭😭 Thank you bro gosh,idk why people are defending mediocrity,if they keep this up the kabam will get complacent and know all it takes to please the community is crumbs
    in Bp nerf Kommentar von Thugsmurf Mai 2021
  • THANK YOU,WE DONT ALL HAVE HIM AT MAX SIG AND WHOS WASTING STONES ON HIM?! Also at max sig it's 1 debuff per intercept like huh
    in Bp nerf Kommentar von Thugsmurf Mai 2021
  • You spittin rn sir
    in Bp nerf Kommentar von Thugsmurf Mai 2021
  • Ik I was trippin lol
    in Bp nerf Kommentar von Thugsmurf Mai 2021
  • Literally had his 2 synergies that made him playable nerfed, you can't balance a champ that already has nothing,you gotta build on them
    in Bp nerf Kommentar von Thugsmurf Mai 2021
  • That's my entire point,his buff is extremely underwhelming and he has okay damage at best with his synergies,they could have tried harder
    in Bp nerf Kommentar von Thugsmurf Mai 2021