ViperOfChampion ★
actually I was thinking of dropping off due to my parents prob beating my ass cause I'm in Delaware. my date is 02/25/2025. Also for advice on incursion cause I might do them solo, what hacks are good for Angela, Gamora, and photon cause they are my highest deathless champs
yo Willrun4donut ik in the direction u said put ur in game name, I put it in the discription is that ok because ti gave me an error while putting in the name place and I was scared if the slot would end?!?!
now that's a buf :smile:
I cannot fathom the pain you must be experiencing, as someone who has never experienced this before, you truly though have my condolences
herc hulkling Sinister wiccan doom cgr galan Ultron longshot Deadpool x force onslaught Arnim zola
sorry 7*
guys for Angela what are some good hacks to cheese cause all I can think of is the fury burst and martial artist(I'm just coping cause she is my best and only incursions option)
Guys I think this objective can be said to be compensation for everything right?!?!?(maybe I'm just coping)
this is stupid luck Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!(why not me :( )
6* surfer, mid but il take it yesterday I got Hawkeye, both mid but ain't complaining
check in 2 hrs and 40 minutes
ye, all he needs is new animations.
vision is not deathless saga, the only synergy I see with deathless is iron man
yo this is actually kinda free ig. a free 7* is insane
yei used my r4 sig 200 asd Angela for this. took 2 lvl1 reviews. wanted to save for Epoch but oh well sadness
parry for sword, dodge for axe, light for spear, and swipe up or down for minigun
let it be those people have no hope, its best if we ignore them. By aknowledging them, we give them purpose
nice I conveniently have a r2 Kushala sig 80(I'm ass at the game only 4 r2s)
I'm cooked then bro I just wanna complete it not explore it for now!?!?!?
1st 7* from Magnetron crystal still remember the day
isn't there t5 class needed and also a bunch of t6 basic?
I'm a sim lover and he is also my first and only titan from grinding bgs blitz as a CAV. will be my 1st 3-4 if I get cosmic otherwise Kushala
this quest should just be called the "get valiant for revives" quest since ares give you more damage/ attack rating / revive used or per knock down
The funny thing about this content is that if your so unlucky that u have only 6r5 ascended champs and only pulled the worst 7* in the game(vtd,war machine, etc), u can try for good ones and get valiant with good champs
how 2, it only gives 1 2-3 gem and 3 t4 alpha and from the chest 4 t6 class catalyst and a 1-2 gem. That is not enough
I have now 50 revives in da bank for now for a ew paragon play with a very weak science roster, decent mystic, and overall weak for everest content, see how it goes!?!?