Walmir11 ★
lol I understand where you coming from but at that time my financial situation was pretty good was going to school full time plus work full time gamble in the stock market came out with $60K in total invest $10K in mcoc and the rest in getting my first home and now I’m done with school but going back for my masters so yeah…
This banquet ain’t like last year tbh I spent $10K last time
Enough for my pts to be 115K
I guess the whales ain’t going to sleep tonight
I don’t see the point of them adding more to it
Stark Foundation
Well we ain’t gonna make it anyways
Medusa also cause DPX is awakened, Sentinel is awakened, and Sentry is awakened
Currently in 16 with 46 r2s
A lot but really where at ?
Deathless vision need that dupe tho
Doesn’t won’t works well with dupe ?
Ooh thanks I didn’t really know that about him I appreciate that
Why Luke just curious about that I know he got a buff but haven’t really dive into him