Wolf911 ★★★
RED GOBLIN dupe pulled a shathra from the titan though
I soloed with gwenpool BRB Dragonman 1 revive for she hulk ( didn’t want to do the tedious fight again )
BETA RAY FREAKING BILL absolutely destroyed the fight just 1 sp2 with the heavy charge ( make sure you have grit buff by knocking down with heavy ) then 2 sp1 bursts and he was dead
Dragonman for 2020 mystic just bait sp1 and throw your sp1 extra damage if you keep him cornered
just need 1 second increased duration on the pause or furies
do this start with 6*r1 till you get to 3x multiplier then start with 7*r3s or 6*r5s instant kang or thanos team
Please just IGNORE these comments they are on a mission to get more disagrees than @ahmynuts that’s why spamming that kind of message on every irrelevant thread
where did you get generic AG? ( is it really 7*?) chavez should be priority hulk and ham follow
This was hilarious 😆
titania shocker or sinister ( try for both ) medusa awakened dpx that’s the order I would go with
yet to get onslaught, bullseye, serpent from any crystal even after opening bunch of titans and basics just keep duping 4-5 champs and have them at sig 80 naturally just give me a new champ crazy thing is I don’t even have shuri yet even though she was one of the first 7 stars 🥲
waiting for rebalance but he is pretty solid when he works
I don’t want a cosmic or science or mystic summoner’s choice we need class diversity give me tech skill mutant champs
I have history of patriot x 3, sable x 2, and a northstar from 6 titans last rotation
getting kushala in her paragon crystal just 900 units best units spent on paragon crystal EVER
I just want his ramp to be 15 buffs instead of 20
serpent bullseye red skull domino
the fight has no nodes it’s just wiccan don’t parry and use physical damage champs scorpion is best
Shocker and pump him full of sigs
As you don’t have a skill rank 3 and most of your rank3s are pure attackers
yes you are forced to rank these champs to the highest rank but at least they are useful champs as for the silver sent I believe MSD showed you can use kush for him she has long specials and maintains distance while performing special attack so she is good for getting his lock on down
DOMIHOE ate 180 sig stones
she can’t do anything against spidey
ham is superior
COUNT HOOD SPIRAL chose spiral as my count was duped
are you planning to get deathless thanos? if yes then save it if not then vox is good or sim or medusa
it’s 24th 18:00 PST i.e. in 12 hrs
photon or count
Kushala and adam