asuoa650 ★
We are crazy kid gang. Map 6 aq, gold 1 looking to get back into platinum. If interested add me Line: asuoa650 IGN: asuoa650
Added you in game. Had an offseason and finished high gold 1 looking to get back into platinum running map 6 aq. Hit me up if interested Line: asuoa650
Plat 4, pushing for plat 3, map 6 aq. If interested add me. We are crazy kid gang Ign: asuoa650 Line: asuoa650
Yes we are Add one of us on line Superdaveeeeeee7 asuoa650
Didn't see anything. But if you are still looking, let me know. Line: asuoa650 Ign: asuoa650
We are crazy kid gang, plat 4 map 6 aq. If interested hit me up on line Line: asuoa650 Ign: asuoa650
We are crazy kid gang. Plat 4 war, aq map 6. Add me for more details Line:asuoa650 Ign:asuoa650
We are crazy kid gang. Plat 4, aq map 6. If you want to know more details add me Line:asuoa650 Ign:asuoa650
We are crazy kid gang. Map 6, plat 4 ally, looking to push to plat 3. Hit me up on line if you want more details Line:asuoa650 Ign:asuoa650
If u have a couple points in deep wounds, Nick fury can get the one shot. Tried a couple different times with different people. But fury got her. Parry, heavy, medium, heavy. Then spam sp2 and I will get her down.
Have u tried the t1a arena. About 21 rounds gets 3 t1a. Right now in the side quest, I picked up 3 from doing all the difficulties. Just completing normal, heroic and master eq nets u some. Plus alliance events gets you two a week. And then you have glory. It's all about resource management. Even if u are stuck on…
Still looking for one for map 6 aq plat 4 war, pushing plat 3. Add me for details Line:asuoa650 Ign:asuoa650
Thanks for that info. I appreciate you enlightening me on that.
LF 1 after war rewards drop, message me for info and details
We are plat 4 running map 6. We are crazy kid gang, add me for more details Line:asuoa650
We are plat 4 running map 6, crazy kid gang. Hit me up if u wanna know more details Line: asuoa650
We are crazy kid gang, plat 4, looking to go for plat 3. Running map 6. If you are interested and want more info ,dm me Line:asuoa650
LF1 again, plat 4, map 6 aq. Add me on line for details.
Plat 4, map 6 aq looking for 1 after aq cycle and rewards drop. We are are crazy kid gang, check us out. If interested, message me for more details Line:asuoa650 Ig:asuoa650
Look up richtheman video on YouTube. He explains all the ones to get to obtain the awakening gem and 6* shards
We are looking for one to replace an alt. We are crazy kid gang. Check us out in game. If you want more info hit me up on line or in game. Same ad asuoa650
This new setup discourages a good portion of the community in my opinion. I ran it for the past three days and got a little less units than I normally do, however for the lower level players, it sets them up for failure. PS I am cavalier with about 27 6* and 125 5*. If this is how it's going to be with new arenas. My…
@Worknprogress, that's a great video and I know that her and doom are amazing champs. But, a rank 3 vs a 5/65, of course you are going to beast it in fewer hits and time. My point is, bwcv to me has much more utility than most mystics. Basic nullify on contact, suicide friendly, 3 different immunities, power control, and a…
She isn't going to have a knock out after an sp2 but I will gladly take all of her utility over high damage any day of the week. Plus she destroys the cav eq better than any of the other champs.
We run 6x5x4, hopefully going 6x5x5 soon. Last season we were gold 1 Ign and line:asuoa650 if u wanna learn more
Best thing is with doom. He is tanky enough to get past the block damage. Practice in duels with dexing first part of champions sp1. Dash in after he chops and dex the headbutt. If you have enough health, you can tank the whole special. Then sp2 and he is finished. I practiced a lot duels by the first method and ended up…
Just did exploration and u just need to spam heavies in corner. I used torch with nova flame on, but u can use rocket, medusa, blade, hyp, cmm, a bunch of different champs.
Don't know if u r still looking, but we fun map 4 during season and map 5 off-season, 2 bg war gold 1 right now. Ign and line:asuoa650 We are crazy kid gang
Thanks for that info. I have to pay closer attention to that
That's probably the case.