auburnpeas ★
I didn't know anything about emulators being banned until reading it just lately. I actually started with an emulator too. Used bluestacks til I got a tablet. That was only for a short time. Wasn't like I cheated or anything. Playing with a mouse on my laptop was harder than a tablet or phone. Lol
8 1/2 years not 10 but yeah I get your point. LOL
Cap was my first 4*.
Cool, thanks for the update.
I'd have to agree with you to a certain extent. Everybody has to choose what bothers their conscience, and in the big picture it is just a game, but in my experience I my life I've found that people ive met who take shortcuts in a game tend to be more likely to do the same in real life. Again I am not saying you do that…
I'm happy to hear this news.
Yeah I get that now. Not the best sportsmanship, but I guess "to each his own".
Makes sense.
I'm guessing it's a way to express their displeasure with kabam as far as not liking battlegrounds and/or the way it works.
Im still kinda pissed about gifting. I joined this game about 4 months in. Anyhow the gifting was made to look like it was gonna gonna be needed. Then you guys turn around and gave people free temporary badges ever gifting event you have. So basically i wasted $30 bucks for nothing. To make things even worse you got rid of…