pigupompom ★
5 crystals were lost after the crash. The points didn’t go up.
Hate it too. It’s lazy and creative bankrupt
Not quite. It was said 1 additional Every week until the week 5 Paragon gets 2 additional.
It was supposed to give ISO and they corrected the SHANGCHI ARENA by giving everyone who hit the milestone. However it was quietly removed again when the arena sort of went back to the old system. @"Kabam Lyra" could anyone rectify on this?
I’m constantly having drop input issue and also random spamming of my sp even when I tap middle left of the screen. Very frequently my character don’t dex and won’t block. I’m suspecting it’s due to the expect ratio of iPhone 12 Pro Max that’s not completely compatible with the game. iPhone 12 Pro Max Latest IOS
Definitely upset the meta.
Definitely magneto.
Again.... it never appear the first day of incursion!
This is loki version of Odin. Still in disguise.
Usually with changes like this come with a massive update to the reward too. Any good news for us on that? Nobody is interested in new tactic if the reward is stale.
Ghost- Big numbers. Short flight. Happy life. Quake- No 6*. small numbers=Super Long flight. no room for mistake. high expectation=high disappointment. Sad life.
they should be introduced soon as Duel credit was taken away.
There’s more problem to this because we can’t hogged on t1a. And when one finally pull a good champ, u need like 25. That is what stops our progression when we wanna use someone we pulled and couldn’t do anything with them.
oh wow. never thought that would be an issue to progressing players. End game player has overflow and most of the time gotta sell them off.
i knew he was acting really strange. i stood there stun even hitting block and just get clipped by his sp everytime i evade. it’s definitely bugged
add me line id pigupompom IGN artemis xxvii
recruiting now?
add me pigupompom
i’ve added u in line. look like a solid alliance hope to be a part of the team ign ARTEMIS XXVii line pigupompom
line- pigupompom
i’m looking
mine has been happening a lot today. auto shut down every other hour.
My arena has been shutting more than 10 times today
weird. kabam didn’t release the monthly quest note this time?
not worth the wait. pls don’t rush to r3 a noob 6* and be disappointed by mediocricy.
don’t do it.
the main hindside of Stark is his HP and not available as 6stars, yet.
that magneto is a cherry on the pie.
i got ghost and NF from these crystals after trying 200 basic that probably won’t give me those two.